Page 2 of A Villain's Kiss


Either angel or devil


Rough hands push me back, then one skates up my thigh while the other grips my ass. Hard.

My head spins.

What is happening?

I have to move.

Why aren’t I moving?

Come on, legs… Move.

Managing to open one eye, I finally see him.

Who is he?

Do I know him?

Groggily, something leaves my mouth.

Did I make a sound? I’m not sure.

“What the fuck?”

Whose voice is that? It’s strong, and it isn’t coming from the person who’s touching me. No, that person is grunting.

“I suggest you move along,” the man holding me roughly says.

Someone grips me firmly. His hand goes directly to my neck and squeezes. My eyesight becomes blurry to the point where I can barely make out faces.

“Get lost,” the man above me says.

The new voice is closer now.

“That ain’t gonna happen.”

My arms start to move—slowly, methodically, inch by inch—then I shove the man’s chest and attempt to push him off me, but he merely laughs at my efforts.

I can’t remember how I got here.

Where is here?

What’s the last thing I remember?

It takes a moment to gain my bearings before I recall going out with the girls for Simone’s birthday drinks. She’s my best friend, but she left with someone, and I… My thought drifts off for a moment as I force my eyes open and try to keep them that way.

Is that his chin? Well, that’s what I see first—it’s narrow with scruff.

My mind starts to put things back in place, like a jigsaw puzzle.

This asshole asked me to dance.

I said no.