Page 86 of Meant for Forever

“Zach has a few cousins who are brutes. We could ask them to help out. Mind you, I can’t vouch for their fighting skills,” Mike said.

“What about Mason?” Cassidy asked.

“I think he will be more comfortable standing watch in the parking lot and notifying us when the Kitcheners arrive,” Mike said. “He’ll follow the Kitcheners at a distance and engage if need be.”

“Sounds good,” Ian said.

“I can tell Mason the make and model of a few of their vehicles. That will help him know if it is the Kitcheners,” Cassidy said.

“Cassidy, Mason has a few of their photos,” Mike said. “If you can give him as many names as you can, he might be able to find more photos or even the kind of vehicle they each drive.”

Mick turned to her. “They’re in Wyoming, right?”

“Yes. Thomas Ridge.”

“Don’t bother Mason. If you give me their names, I should be able to find out what they all drive as well as get a picture of them a lot quicker,” Mick said. “I have a large team who can work on it right away.”

“I’ll get right on it,” Cassidy said.

Zach returned from his conversation. “Good news. Parker says he’ll head out to the cabin tomorrow morning with a small crew. He doesn’t think it will take more than a few hours to build something to put on top of the roof that the ladies can sit on and hide behind. It won’t be fancy, but it will work.” He turned to Charley. “If you give me your drawing, I can scan it and send it to Parker.”

“Here you go.” She handed him the paper.

“Please thank Parker,” Cassidy said. Hopefully, she’d meet him and be able to thank him in person.

“I also called Jeffrey. He has a tracking device that Cassidy can pin onto her shirt in the remote chance things go south and Doug manages to kidnap her."

"That won't happen if I can help it," Charley said.

"We're counting on it," Zach said. "It's merely a precaution. I'll pick up the device tomorrow morning."

"That sounds good," Cassidy said. "I have an idea. Mike, you wanted to do some surveillance on Doug to see how many men he has, right?"


"What if I ask my dad to keep a watch on the Kitcheners? I’m not guaranteeing that our clan can give us an exact number who will show up, but small towns talk. Given what’s at stake, my dad might even wait at the highway entrance himself and count the number of vehicles entering the highway that belong to the Kitchener Clan.”

“That would be fantastic,” Zach said. “If we could have that kind of advance warning, we would be better prepared.”

She smiled. “I almost feel sorry for Doug. I bet he never expected he’d run into this much opposition when he insisted we be together.”

“I'm sure not. How about you call your girlfriend now, as well as your father, and let us know what they say?” Ian said.


“If Mindy's mom feels comfortable speaking with Doug tomorrow, how long do you think it will take him to rally the troops?” Ian asked.

“Given the size of his ego, I bet he’d leave the next day.”

“Have your friend's mom say that you won’t wait long for him. If he doesn’t come soon, you’re going to leave,” Ian said. “People work faster when there is a deadline.”

“I’ll do that.”

She ducked into another room and made the call. "Hey, Mindy. It's Cassidy."

"Cassidy! Are you okay?"

"I'm doing fine, but I have a favor."