Page 84 of Meant for Forever

"Wouldn't that be fun," Charley said. "It would be like shirts versus skin.”

“Exactly." Cassidy sobered. "Seriously though, maybe the men can figure something out."

“Let’s hope.”

They chatted how Mick and Ian’s business was going with the three of them working together and whether Charley liked looking for the bad guys rather than being an accountant.

“Are you kidding? I love being with Ian all day. Mick basically finds the people and then we capture them and turn them over to the sheriff.”

“That sounds wonderful, but I love being a firefighter.”

“As long as you’re doing what you love, it’s all good.”

The front door opened, and the men came in. “I thought you ladies were working on your skills,” Ian stated.

“We were, but we’re finished. Cassidy did great. We do need to pass a few things by you guys.”

Alex, Liam, Zach, and Mike sat on the floor across from the sofa, and Mick and Ian took the two chairs.

“Tell us,” Ian said.

Since Charley sought out the bad guys for a living, Cassidy nodded to Charley that she should tell the men their plan.

“For starters, the roof has a few issues, but someone mentioned building a blind. I think that is a great idea. I even have a design in mind that would allow Cassidy and me to be on a flat piece of wood while we are hidden from view.”

“My cousin Parker works at a construction company and is a darn fine carpenter. I bet he can whip up what you need,” Zach said.


“There’s one other issue, which we think is more important,” Cassidy said. “We fear we could hit the wrong wolf. I know what Zach and Mike look like in their wolf form, as well as a few of the Kitchener Clan. Charley only knows you and Mick. Wolves do look alike.”

“That would be a problem,” Mick said. “Any suggestions on how to solve it?”

“Charley and I batted around a few ideas, but I just thought of a solution. It’s simple, but you might not like it.”

The men looked at each other. “What is it?” Mike asked.

“You know how your uncle tags cows?”

“No fucking way,” Mike said. “You want us to put a tag in our ear?”

He acted as if it would hurt a lot, but what did she know? Maybe it would. “Yes, but only once you’re in your wolf form. You’d heal right away once the tag is taken out.” At least she believed they would be okay in no time. They were werewolves after all.

The men said nothing for a minute. Clearly, they were discussing it among themselves.

“The timing would be tricky,” Ian said. “We are willing to do it, but only once we know that the Kitchener Clan is on the way.”

“Great. After the parking lot lookout person radios us that Doug and his men have entered the forest, one of Zach's cowboy cousins can do the tagging," Cassidy said.

“That works. Seth and Trevor could do it quickly, but who would do them?” Zach asked.

“Either Charley or I could unless one of them has distinctive markings, meaning he won't need to be tagged.”

“Benson, their brother has a very distinct white patch on his face. Come to think of it, Trevor has a white ear. He’ll be easy to spot,” Zach said.

“Perfect. Trevor can tag his brother, shift, and then go out and fight. We’ll remember him,” Cassidy said.

Liam leaned forward. “I’m thinking we should have someone remain in the cabin. Trevor and Seth are very good fighters. We can telepath to them if we need help. Having fresh wolves can do wonders to change the momentum of a fight.”