Page 79 of Meant for Forever

“It’s worth a try,” Zach said. “What’s the worst that can happen? Doug doesn’t show up?”

Cassidy nodded. “That might work. I can tell Mindy’s mom to say that I’m staying in the Granger's cabin in the woods. But how will he find it? It’s not like there are signs for it.”

“You mentioned that concern before, which got me thinking. What if we light a fire in the fireplace? They’ll be able to smell it a ways off," Mason said.”

“We can also block off the real path that normally bypasses the cabin. They’ll have no choice but to head directly toward it,” Zach said.

“Great idea, Zach,” their dad said. “I will also spread the word that if any stranger asks where our cabin is located, the locals will be happy to tell them where it is. I can draw a map since only a few have actually been there.”

“Perfect. Mike and I will make sure the path is clear, assuming it doesn’t snow.”

“What about borrowing some pink flagging tape from Tawny?” his father asked. “It helped us before to find the cave where you were.”

“We’d have to use it sparingly if we do. We don’t want to make it too obvious.”

They chatted some more about the logistics. Zach was a bit more confident that they could pull it off, but there were still a lot of unknowns. However, they didn't think they needed to bother General Armand after all for any special bells and whistles he might have.

After they left the sheriff’s office, Alex and Liam faced them. “We were serious about you needing more practice time.”

“I know.” Though Zach wasn’t looking forward to it.

“How about you gather as many Grangers as you can and meet us at our place at five? We’ll work for a few hours.”

“You got it.”

Zach, Mike, and Cassidy headed back to his truck. Once they were on the road, Zach glanced over at her. “Are you okay with all of this?”

“Sure, why wouldn’t I be?”

He could think of several reasons. “You might have to see Doug again. Also, one of us could be killed. There is a slight chance that Doug and his group will overwhelm you and Charley and kidnap you.”

Cassidy dipped her chin. “And the world could end tomorrow. We can’t be sure of anything. All we can do is our best. Besides, you said that Mason could hook me up with a tracking device should I be taken.”

“Or I can get something from Jeffrey, our cousin. He owns a security firm. I just don’t want Doug to harm you in the process,” Zach said.

"I know. Thank you."

“Cassidy, are you sure you don't want to remain back in town?"

She laughed. “And not see Doug Kitchener defeated? No way. Given all the grief that man has put me and my family through, I want to make sure he understands who he is up against.”

“All right then. Let's do this.”


Cassidy woke up early and went out to the living room to check on Mike since he’d trained for hours last night. Apparently, Liam and Alex told them that they wouldn’t hold back. While she appreciated that they wanted to help the Grangers improve their fighting skills, they would be useless if none of them were healthy enough to fight.

Mike was still in his wolf form on the floor, which worried her. He cracked open an eye, rose to his paws, and shifted.

“How do you feel?” she asked moving toward him slowly.

He stretched his arms. “I’m sore.” He then rubbed his neck and closed the gap between them. “Do you see any blood?”

She stepped around him. "I see some on the back of your neck. You should take a shower.”

“Good idea. Have you checked on Zach this morning?”

“Not yet. Do you know when our backup will arrive?”