Page 75 of Meant for Forever

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“The waterfall’s power is mesmerizing,” Cassidy said as she looked out over the Idaho Falls.

Sleeping next to Cassidy last night had been more incredible, but the Falls were admittedly spectacular. Zach hadn’t realized what he’d been missing all his life. While he loved the forest and the wildlife that lived within it, nothing compared to being with Cassidy Evans. “It is gorgeous.”

“Maybe you should call your brother,” Mike said.

Zach was willing to admit that he, too, was worried because he hadn’t received a text from Mason. Zach told himself that either his brother’s plane had been delayed, or Mason wanted to talk with Liam and Alex as well as their father before contacting them. “He’ll call when he’s ready.”

Or so he hoped.

“I agree with Zach,” Cassidy said. “How about we finish the five-mile trail and then talk about what comes next?”

Zach looked over at Mike. “I’m glad someone has patience.”

Mike elbowed him. “Fine.”

For the next two hours, they enjoyed walking along the Snake River, taking in the breathtaking views of the mountains in the distance.

“I bet it is even prettier in the summer,” Cassidy said.

“We should make it a point to take a trip out here then,” Zach said.

Cassidy grinned, and his heart warmed. “I’d love that.”

They were almost to the end of the loop when Zach’s phone buzzed. He slipped it out of his pocket. “It’s Mason.” He swiped the On button. “Hey. Did you get in safely?”

“I did. I would have called sooner, but I wanted to pass my plan by Alex, Liam, and Dad.”

“What did they say?” Zach put the phone on speaker so Cassidy and Mike could hear.

“Alex and Liam were excited to connect with Mick, Ian, and Charley, so they called them. No surprise, they were all thrilled—especially Charley—to have the chance to take down more bad guys. To use her bow and arrow skills makes her happy.”

Cassidy grinned. “That’s fantastic,” she said. “Can she get any of that sedative or poisonous stuff that will slow down a werewolf?”

“She is going to try,” Mason said.

“When can they get to Wildwood?” Zach asked.

“They have to take care of a few things first, but they can be here in two days.”

“That’s fantastic,” Zach told him. Mike nodded. “We can leave soon.”

“Great. See you when you get here. I have lots of ideas.”

“Me too.” Zach disconnected and faced them. “I guess it’s show time.”


“I don’t know about you, but I need a shower after that long drive from Idaho,” Cassidy said.

Mike wrapped his arms around her. “Do you need help?”

His kind of help would involve hard core sex. While she loved every time he touched her, she needed a little break. “How about I go solo this time? I’m not used to so much action, if you know what I mean.”

Mike smiled. “You let me know when you’re ready.”

“You can count on it.”