Page 50 of Meant for Forever

“Cassidy?” Zach called as he walked into the house.

She didn’t answer, which was strange. While he didn’t sense her werewolf signature, he checked both bedrooms anyway. The only logical explanation was that she was still with his sister at the shelter. He grabbed his phone and called her.

“Hey,” Tawny said. “Did Cassidy tell you what a fun time she had today?”

His pulse shot up. “No, because she’s not here.”

“What? How can that be? I dropped her off at your house over an hour ago. I even waited until she went inside.”

Hopefully, she’d left again on her own. If someone had come to the door, he doubted she’d answer it. “Did she say anything about going anywhere?”


“Okay, thanks. I need to do a bit more investigation,” he said, worry slamming through his veins.

“Have you called Mike? Maybe he came home early and took her someplace.”

His pulse slowed. “I bet that’s it. Thanks.”

“Text me when she gets home.”

“Will do.” As soon as he disconnected, he called his new roommate. Unfortunately, he didn’t answer, which meant he might still be at the ski slope, though that seemed unlikely since it was dark outside already. Best guess was that Mike was on his way home, blaring his music too loud in his truck, unable to notice the ping of his cell. If that were the case, it would mean he hadn’t come home already and picked up Cassidy.

So where was she? He didn't want to think Doug had found her somehow and taken her. If he had, his mate’s backpack would still be in the bedroom.

When Zach searched the room and the closet, and didn’t find it, he relaxed a bit. For no particular reason, he pulled open the drawer he’d cleaned out for her.Empty.What the hell?

It almost seemed as if she’d left on her own accord, but why would she leave?Think!

The front door opened, and he rushed out to see if Cassidy was with Mike. Only she wasn’t.

“Cassidy’s not with you?” Clearly, she wasn't, but he had to ask anyway.

Mike dropped his pack on the sofa and took off his jacket. “Why would she be with me? Tawny picked her up this morning.”

“Tawny dropped her off after work, yet Cassidy isn’t here. Her backpack is missing, and her drawer is empty too.”

“Shit. Do you think someone abducted her?”

“It’s possible, but would the kidnapper allow her to pack her things?”

Mike walked over to the refrigerator and grabbed a beer. “What are you saying? That she ran off on her own?”

“I don’t know what else to think.”

“She doesn’t know a lot of people, so either she called a cab or hitched a ride to town. There’s nothing else around for miles.”

Zach rushed over to his laptop that was sitting on the coffee table in the living room. He pulled up the number for the one cab company in town and called it.

“Wildwood Cab. How may I help you?” the friendly woman on the other end answered.

“This is Zach Granger. By any chance did someone pick up a passenger from my address tonight?” He gave her his information.

“Let me check.” Since it was a small operation, it didn’t take her long to come back on the line. “I’m sorry, sir, but we didn’t get a call from where you live.”

“Thanks.” He disconnected and looked at Mike. “Could she have walked to town?”

“In this weather? It’s doubtful, but Cassidy is strong. How about giving Liam and Alex a call? She could have asked them to drive her somewhere."