Page 31 of Meant for Forever

Zach still hadn’t come in. If she was a betting person, she’d guess he was awake. If he were, would he be thinking about her like she was him? As much as she wanted to dream about what she wanted to do with him, she’d get no sleep, and then she’d be cranky in the morning.

Cassidy turned off the nightstand light, determined to get some sleep—only it didn’t happen. After two hours of tossing and turning, she thought about going into the living room and rousing Zach, saying she had a nightmare and wanted company. Then she inwardly chuckled. She’d seen that ruse on some movie recently. No. Cassidy wanted to be honest with the men.

Next, she tried to blank her mind, but the image of the two of them shopping—when it was clear he’d only been down a few of the aisles in the past—endeared her to him.

What are you doing?So much for not thinking about him.

Cassidy finally had to admit that she wanted Zach. Tonight. Without further debate, she threw off the covers and went into the living room. There he was in front of the door being her guardian. How sweet was that?

She waited for Zach to open his eyes, because his increased breathing implied he was well aware she was there. So why wasn’t he jumping up and shifting to see what was wrong?

To hell with it.She stepped over to him and knelt down beside him. His light brown fur looked so soft that she just had to feel it. As soon as she reached out to pet him, he jumped to his four paws.

“Sorry,” she said. “I couldn’t sleep.”

Zach looked at her and then shifted. Cassidy stood. She thought he’d ask her why she was having trouble sleeping, but he just stood there. His eyes turned golden, and his slight beard thickened. Only then did she remember what she was wearing. When she glanced down, her nipples were protruding.

Zach cleared his throat. “Is something wrong?”

About time he asked. “Yes. How about joining me?”

He swallowed hard. “Joining you?”

“In my bed.”

“Cassidy, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

She stilled. That wasn’t the response she was hoping for. “You can’t tell me you aren't attracted to me. I can see it in your eyes that you are.”

“No. Or rather fuck no. I want you all right. Bad. But are you sure? I mean, you’ve been through a lot.”

“Is that the only reason you don’t want to be with me?”

“Yes. I mean no. Or rather, I’m not sure I can control myself if I’m next to you.”

Finally, they were getting somewhere. “When did I say I only wanted you to sleep next to me?”

As if what she said finally sunk into his thick skill, a slow smile slid across his face. “You’re ready to have sex with me?”

“I was thinking more along the lines of making love with you, but yes.”

Zach shot his two arms over his head and made a sound that was very close to a howl. He then picked her up and swung her around. “I haven’t slept in days wondering how I could survive another day without being with you.”

“I guess today is your lucky day. However, I’m freezing, so could we move this rather strange conversation to the bedroom?”

“You’re sure, right? I told Mike I would be able to control myself around you, but clearly I was in denial.” He carried her into the bedroom and placed her on the bed.

“How about we do a little less talking and a lot more touching and kissing?” she said trying to keep a straight face.

Zach pressed his lips together as if he didn’t want to upset her. He tore off his shirt, ditched his boots and socks, and then dropped his pants and briefs on the floor. He then stood there smiling.

“Come into the bed, Romeo.” Cassidy laughed as he crawled next to her.

“To be honest, I took you for the shy type,” Zach said.

He really thought that? “How about I show you that I can be quite aggressive when I want something?”

“Bring it on, firefighter lady.”