Page 26 of Meant for Forever

These men were spoiling her, but she loved it. Cassidy had been brought up to serve others—not to be doted on.

Once Zach started the engine, he glanced over at her. “We have a few ideas for jobs, but we haven’t contacted anyone yet. We didn’t know what you’d like to do.”

“Besides be a firefighter?”


“I need money. I’ll do anything.”

The two of them went through the list of possible jobs from working at the Double G Bar to possibly starting a maid service company.

“Wow. I think I’d like to start with something less ambitious than running my own company, only because when and if this mess with Doug is resolved, I can return to what I love.”

“That makes sense.”

“I know nothing is guaranteed, but how about asking Alex and Liam first to see if they could use an assistant? I would be surrounded by men who can fight.”

Zach smiled. “We’ll talk with them tomorrow.”


Zach pulled up to his place to let Mike out.“I know you are not happy with me right now that I'm the one staying at your apartment and not you,”Zach telepathed,“but don’t take out your anger by trashing my place.”

“I would never do that. No promises it will look as good as the way it is now, but I will try my best.”

Mike’s tilting up of his chin had Zach smiling.“See you in the morning.”

“Behave,”hisfriend shot back.


Once Mike went inside, Zach continued onto Mike’s place.

“He didn’t seem happy. Why?” Cassidy said.

“It’s his apartment, and he thought he should be the one to guard you.”

“So why didn’t he?” she asked.

Zach wasn’t about to say that Mike would have shifted into his human form and given some excuse to crawl into bed with her. Knowing his best friend, Mike would probably say that he feared Cassidy would have a nightmare, and that if he was by her side, he could hold her and console her.

“I volunteered first. He’ll probably take the shift tomorrow. We like to share.”Shit. That had slipped out. Just because Zach knew that both he and Mike were Cassidy’s mate, she might not be aware of it.

“I like sharing.”

Adrenaline sped through his system faster than one of Cassidy’s arrows could fly through the air. What did she mean she liked to share? As much as Zach wanted to ask her about making love with both of them, he didn’t dare. If she was against it, that would make things a lot more difficult for them.

All wasn’t lost, however. His twin had said she wasn’t interested in being with two men either at first, and look at her now? She adored Liam and Alex.

Once they arrived, Zach insisted on carrying Cassidy’s backpack up the two flights of stairs to the third floor apartment. He probably should have gone in to his place and grabbed a few toiletries and a change of clothes to change into tomorrow when he dropped off Mike at his house, but Zach hadn’t been thinking. This woman disrupted all of his rational thought.

When they entered Mike's apartment, Cassidy smiled. “What a wonderful place.”

Really? None of Mike’s furniture matched—not that his did—but he and Mike were guys. Mike had a few framed photos on his walls that he’d taken of the mountains, but other than that, it was a bit sterile. Zach would have thought Cassidy would have liked something a bit more upscale, though she did say her family lived mostly off the grid.

“The bedroom’s in there.” Zach carried in her pack, placed it next to the bed, and then walked out. “We can watch television if you like.”

Cassidy crossed her arms. “You don’t have to babysit me, you know. You’re welcome to go home and return at say ten tomorrow morning, if it makes you feel better.”