Page 24 of Meant for Forever

What had it been? “For starters, when I found out who they were, I knew I could trust them. Then it became the little things that made me think they both could be my mates. They were kind and considerate. Their actions spoke to me.”

“Oh, Cassidy. I am happy for you. At some point, after you’ve mated with the men, you should send a thank you note to Doug.”

She chuckled. “Why would I do that?”

“You never would have met them if he hadn’t been such an ass.”

“You’re right.” Cassidy sighed. “I miss you so much. You help me focus on what is important.”

“Ditto. Can I call you sometime? I’m assuming this phone is safe?”

“It is,” Cassidy said. “But I don’t know the number. Zach’s brother said it was a burner phone.” Some laughter sounded in the kitchen. “Hey, I need to go. I’ll call again when I can.”

“I love you.”

“Love you back.”

When Cassidy hung up, bitter sweetness filled her. She missed Mindy so much, but it was better to stay as far away from Thomas Ridge as possible for the time being.

Cassidy should have called her parents, but to be honest, she wasn’t ready to hear the pain in their voices. They’d ask when she was coming home, and she didn’t have the heart to say it might be quite a while.

As soon as Cassidy returned to the kitchen, everyone stopped talking. She stilled. “Is something wrong?” She placed the borrowed phone in front of Mason.

“No,” Zach said. “How is Mindy?”

She told them that her friend had been attacked in the parking lot of her apartment, but that she was now out of the hospital.

“Was it Doug who hurt Mindy?” Mason asked.

“No, but Mindy is convinced that he sent one of his goons. Doug wouldn’t chance being caught.”

“What else did she say?” Mike asked.

“Doug’s dad isn’t doing well. We then discussed whether he would stop searching for me even after his dad passed.”

Mike’s brows furrowed. “I take it Mindy thinks he won’t.”

Cassidy didn’t want to think that it might be true, but she needed to be realistic. “Possibly. Doug is arrogant. It will be terribly bad for his image if the woman he wants—me—rejects him.”

“I imagine it would,” Zach said. “What are you going to do? You’re welcome to make a new life in Wildwood.”

Cassidy had spent most of last night contemplating that concept. “I might, but I’d miss my parents and Mindy terribly.”

“Invite them here,” Mike said.

She smiled. “I wish it were that simple. Dad is in charge of the clan, and Mindy has a good job.”

Mason slid the phone back to Cassidy. “Keep this for as long as you need. I would keep it near you at all times so that no one has access to it. You’re welcome to have me do a scan on it to be sure it’s clean.”

Who were these men? They were way too nice. “Thank you.”

“Cassidy, we’ve come up with a plan,” Zach said.

She pulled up a chair and sat down. “Oh. What is it?”

“We’d like you to stay at Mike’s like we said, but we don’t feel right leaving you alone.”

She worked hard not to smile, thinking about what their answer to not being alone might entail. With Zach’s mother at the table, it would be awkward if they stated details. “Mike said it’s a third floor walkup. I’m sure I’d hear someone coming.”