Page 21 of Meant for Forever


Why did she sound so disappointed? “What are you hoping he’ll find?”

“There’s something I forgot to mention yesterday.”

“What’s that?”

“The Kitchener Clan follows this ancient law that most other clans have abandoned.”

“What kind of ancient law?” Mike asked.

“It’s a succession law, like if the President of the United States is unable to perform his duty, the Vice President assumes the role.”

“That kind of applies to a lot of clans. If the Alpha can’t perform his duty, the Beta takes over.”

“And that’s the problem. There is a loophole.”

“Which is?” Zach asked.

“If their Alpha dies or can’t perform his duties, his son—whether he is the Beta or not—shall become the Alpha automatically if he has a mate who has or is about to bear him a child.” She pressed her lips together.

It took a second for the information to sink in. “Oh fuck. Is Doug’s father dying? Is that why he is in such a hurry to mate with you? He wants a brood mare, so to speak?”

“Yes.” She leaned forward. “All I have to do is stay away from him until his father passes. Then Doug will have no use for me. Chris Wentworth, who is the Beta, will become the Alpha. He is already mated, and they have three children—not that it’s a requirement for him.”

“All of this is about Doug wanting to become Alpha?” Zach asked.


“I thought you said the Kitchener Clan wanted to unite with your clan to make one super clan,” Mike said.

“That would be a side effect. I suspect Doug will be shunned if he fails to find a woman who wants him.”

Mike chuckled. “That would suck for him, but he should try treating a woman better.”

“I don’t think it’s in this clan’s makeup. Kitchener clansmen are aggressive by nature.”

Zach’s mom set the coffee pot and four cups on the table. She then carried over a plateful of sandwiches of all different kinds. “Thanks, Mom.”

“You’re welcome. Now eat up.”

When she moved back to the stove, he told her to join them. His mom would think she was intruding, but she wouldn’t be. “We can use your wisdom.”

She grinned and joined them. “I don’t know about that, but I’ll help anyway I can.” She turned to Cassidy. “You asked if Adam found any information on Doug. Did you ask him to look into Doug’s father’s health?”


“If he calls, I’ll suggest it to him.”

“Mason is coming over to bring Cassidy a burner phone so she can call her best friend, Mindy. Maybe we can learn something from her about Doug's dad's health.”

Her eyes lit up, causing Zach’s cock to instantly harden. That was embarrassing. For some reason, he had the sense his mom might notice and say something.

"He's bringing a phone that's safe?"


A knock sounded, and a moment later Mason stepped into the kitchen. Zach must have forgotten to lock the front door.