Page 13 of Meant for Forever

They walked up to Zach’s truck, and he held open the door for Cassidy.

“What? She doesn’t get a choice? Maybe she wants to ride with me,” Mike said.

“Oh, boy. Do you two always fight like this?”

“No,” they said in unison.

“I think we’re a little nervous being around you,” Zach said. "Or rather I am."

“Nervous? Why? I promise I am no threat.”

Zach smiled. “That’s not what I meant. I’m sure if Mike and I teamed up, we could take you down. It’s that I don’t date much. I’m more of the loner type. Mike, on the other hand, is the gregarious one. It’s why I’m a bit nervous.”

That took some guts to admit that. “How about I go with you this time and Mike the next?” That seemed like a nice solution.

“Fine,” Mike said. “We’re going to your folks’ place, right, Zach?”

“Yes. I’m sure Mom will be thrilled that one of her kids wants to visit.”

“How many siblings do you have?” she asked.

“Four. I’ll give you a rundown as soon as I call my mom. I know she’ll appreciate a heads up.”

“By all means.”

Zach took Cassidy’s backpack with her bow and arrow attached and stashed it in the back seat. Once he put his gear back there, he climbed into the truck. When she closed the door, the lack of wind was welcomed.

“Let me crank up the heat.”

“Thanks.” Cassidy thought she wouldn’t have any problem staying in the cabin for three or more months, but now that she was headed to a soft bed and a warm shower, she might have overestimated her ability to sustain adversity.

Once Zach placed his phone on the hands-free holder, he dialed his mom to let her know to expect company.

“Zach, is that you?”

“You don’t have to sound so surprised. Yes, it’s me.”

“Are you okay?” she asked.

How nice that his mom still worried about him, though it made sense. He had recently been close to death.

“I’m great. I called because I found the person who dragged me to safety.”

“You did? That’s wonderful. Who is he?”

Zach glanced over at her and shrugged. “Her name is Cassidy. It’s a long story, but could we stop over for dinner if it isn’t too late? Mike is with us.”

“Of course you can. In fact, your dad just got home. You know how much I love having my kids stop by.”

“And do you think Cassidy could spend the night? She’ll be moving into Mike’s place tomorrow, but he needs to straighten it up first.”

“Oh. I didn’t know he knew her that well.”

Cassidy wanted to explain to Mrs. Granger that Mike wouldn’t be there, but Zach would tell her at some point. “He just met her. Listen. We’re leaving the forest now and heading straight to your place.”

“Oh, my. I need to get cracking. Bye.” And then she hung up.

Cassidy chuckled. “Your mom sounds wonderful.”