Page 97 of Meant for Forever

Cassidy’s pulse shot up. It was really happening. “We’ll be ready no matter when he arrives. I can’t thank you enough.”

“It’s me who should be thanking you. I never want anyone to harm my daughter again.”

“I totally agree. I’ll let you know what happens.”

“Good luck.”


She pocketed her phone. “It’s done. Doug is coming tomorrow, or so he says.”Oh, shit."I need to tell my dad."

She called him and gave him the information.

"Don't you worry. As soon as he leaves town, I'll give you all of the details."

"You're the best, Dad."

"Just make sure he knows who he is dealing with."

She smiled at his refrain. "You can bet on it." She hung up, happy to have spoken to both of them. Cassidy told the men what they said.

"Looks like we're good to go," Zach said.

"For better or for worse.”

When they reached the parking lot and climbed in the truck, Zach started the engine. "Anyone hungry?”

She chuckled. What he was really asking was if she minded if they stopped to eat since he was starving. “Totally, but I’d like to clean up first before we go out.”

“We could order in pizza,” Mike suggested.

“You do know that I don’t have your metabolism. I like pizza, but it’s not the only thing we should eat.”

“Are you suggesting we grocery shop?” Zach asked.

“How about Mike orders something a little more healthy at the diner?” She was too anxious to cook anything.

“Works for me,” Mike said.

After she told him what she wanted, he called it in. By the time they stopped at the ranger station to pick up Zach's satellite phone and call Ian, and then drive to town, the food should be ready.

Zach pulled in front of the diner, and Mike pushed open his door. “I’ll be right back."

"You nervous about tomorrow?" Zach asked.

"Honestly? Yes, but I'm confident this will go well. Doug will never expect he'll be met with such resistance."

"Let's hope not."

Mike slipped back into the truck a few minutes later with delicious smelling food, and her stomach grumbled. Since they hadn’t eaten much all day, she was suddenly famished.

Zach started the engine and took off for home.

* * *

It was time. Or almost time for the clash between the Kitcheners, the Grangers, and the friends of the Grangers to begin. Cassidy’s dad had called at eight that morning saying that he and his men had counted five vehicles belonging to the Kitchener Clan heading out of town. He couldn’t be positive, but he estimated there were about twenty men. Clearly, Doug didn’t buy Mindy’s mom’s story that Cassidy wanted to return to Thomas Ridge with him. He suspected a trap—and he was right.

Cassidy told herself that Alex and Liam had been able to train the Grangers well enough to withstand an assault by these aggressive werewolves. Add in Charley’s two very experienced men who discussed strategy with the group, and Cassidy was confident about the outcome.