Page 69 of Meant for Forever

Mason smiled. “That is where some of Alex and Liam’s friends come in to play.”

“Who are you talking about?” Zach asked.

“When I was taking a break during our training, Liam was telling me about this woman, Charley Palmer. She is a trained sniper. But her real talent is using a bow and arrow. Only her bows are really high tech.”

“She uses a crossbow?”

“I believe so,” Mason said.

“Wow. I’ve never used one, but I’d love to try one out.”

“Do you think we could fly her in?” Mike asked.

“I was going to see if Dad could call General Armand and ask if she and her two mates are free. One of her mates is Mick McLaughlin. He helped us learn about the human vigilantes,” Mason said.

“I remember Dad mentioning that. But how does Charley play into this again? It’s not like she can shift.”

“I realize that, but I thought we could have Cassidy and Charley on the roof of the cabin—behind some kind of blind. Cassidy knows who is who. She and Charley could shoot them should we need their help.”

“Like I said, that won’t do much,” she said.

“Not by itself. Liam and Alex mentioned something about them having poisonous bullets or in your case, poison-tipped arrows. Come to think of it, instead of going through the general, let me give Liam a call. He knows them well.” Mason dialed one of them. “Hey, Liam. It’s Mason. I have you on speaker.”

“Did you find Cassidy?”

“We did.” He explained his plan to keep the Kitchener Clan from wanting to bother Cassidy ever again. “Remember when you were telling me about Charley and her two mates, Ian and Mick?”

“Of course. What about them?”

“If I recall, Charley’s dad, a former chemist, was able to synthesize a chemical that would immobilize a wolf for a while.”

“That’s true. He also worked on something that could kill a wolf, but we never tried it. Why are you asking?”

Mason told them about having Cassidy and Charley on the cabin’s roof once they lured the Kitchener Clan there. “Cassidy has described some of the wolves’ coloring, but it can get a bit confusing in the middle of a fight.”

“Hey, Liam, it’s me, Zach. I imagine it would disorient the wolves if someone starts shooting arrows at them. If we can immobilize a few, it could put the fight in our favor, assuming they outnumber us.”

“I’ll be happy to call Mick and Ian and ask them. When do you think this showdown might occur?”

“I guess it would partially depend on their availability. We’re with Cassidy now in Idaho. We can stay here a few days if need be, but once we return, I’d really like this settled once and for all.”

“I don’t blame you,” Liam said. “I’m sure Charley would love to participate, but you three need some work before you go against multiple wolves.”

“I was afraid you’d say that. How about giving them a call and see what they say. Once we know if they are willing to help out, we can plan accordingly,” Mason said.

“Will do. And keep your mate safe.”

Zach smiled. “We will.”

Mason swiped off the phone. “That sounds hopeful.”

“It does,” Zach said. “Cassidy, what do you think we need to do to draw Doug and his men down to Wildwood? Or more specifically, to the cabin in the woods.”

“Even if he learned I’m staying at the cabin, I don’t recall any road signs leading there.”

“Agreed. We’ll have to make sure he can find it.”