Page 61 of Meant for Forever

“I’m hoping that when she learns that Doug’s dad is still alive—assuming he is—she’ll consider leaving Thomas Ridge,” Mason said.

“And go where? She won’t return to Wildwood on her own. She’ll fear the Kitcheners will find us.” Zach didn’t want her to be out of their sight, however. “We need to find out how much longer Mr. Kitchener has to live. That will affect what we do.”

“We have Mindy’s parents’ number. We could call then, but it’s possible their phone is bugged,” Mason said.

Mike pulled out his cell. “I’ll call and keep it discreet. I’ll say I want to stop by and see Mindy since I’m passing through town. If anyone is listening, they won’t connect me to Cassidy.”

“Let’s hope Mindy is smart enough not to ask any questions about her friend,” Mason said.

“Let’s hope.” Mason handed him the number, and Mike called.

He put the phone on speaker but kept the sound very low. “Hello?”

“The woman sounds scared,”Zach telepathed.

Mike nodded. “Mrs. Everwood?”


“This is Mike, a friend of Mindy’s. I led her on a wilderness excursion last summer. Maybe she mentioned me?”

“Oh, yes. Of course. You’re with—”

“Yes, I am. I thought maybe I could stop by and speak with Mindy, if she’s up for it.”

Good thing Mike cut her off in case their phone was tapped.

The woman hesitated. “Let me ask her. Hold on.”

A minute later, Mindy answered. “Mike! Great to hear from you.”

“You sound good. How are you feeling?”

“Better. Much better. Mom said you wanted to stop by the house?”

“If it isn’t inconvenient. I’m passing through and wanted to see you.”

“I’d love that.” She gave him the address that Mason entered in his phone.

“See you in a few.” He then disconnected and pocketed his phone. “I have to hand it to Mindy. She was smart not to mention Cassidy's name.”

“If you were calling, she has to assume something is wrong,” Zach said.

The server brought them their coffee. If they wanted to speak with Mindy and make it back to the bus station in time, they couldn’t dawdle. They drank the delicious brew, and as they were paying, Mike spotted some pastries in the display case. He ordered a few to go.

On the way to Mindy’s parents’ house, Mason insisted that they take a circuitous route. It would make it easier to spot a tail.

“We should park down the street when we arrive,” Mason said. “We don’t need to alert anyone that Mindy has company.”

“If anyone is watching, they’ll see us go into the house,” Zach said.

“True, but it’s better to be cautious.”

Zach wasn’t one to argue with the private investigator. He parked a block away, and the three of them hightailed it to the Everwood's' place.

Mike knocked, and a moment later a pretty blonde with a bruise on her neck answered. She grinned. “Mike! Come in.”

"Mindy. Good to see you again," Mike said.