Page 47 of Meant for Forever

Eventually, he leaned to the side and dropped onto the bed, taking her with him. She might have been willing to fall asleep this way, but they needed to clean up. “How about I get a towel?” she suggested.

Mike slipped out. “You do that.”

She silently chuckled as she rushed to the bathroom and washed up. When she returned with a hand towel for him, Mike had fallen asleep.

Not wanting to disturb him, she placed the towel on the nightstand and then found some clothes to put on. Mike had spent hours honing his fighting skills, so she couldn’t blame him for being tired.

Even though she was tempted to brush a lock of hair from his face, it was better to let him rest, so she tiptoed out to the living room.

Zach looked up. “How did it go?”

Did he expect her to detail her sexual exploits? “Very well. Thank you.”

“Do you think you’d be willing to have me join you two?”

“Can you give me a minute to rest?”

Zach grinned. “I meant later. It’s not like I’m going anywhere.”

“Good. I need some food.”

“Lucky for you, I already ordered the pizza. It should be here any minute.”

“Zach Granger, you are the best.”


“Sorry to get you up so early, but I have to be at work at the crack of dawn to feed the animals,” Tawny said.

After all that intense sex with Mike, Cassidy had slept well. “Not a problem. I almost feel as if I have my life back.”

Okay, that wasn't completely true, because they all still worried Doug would find her. Since Zach and Mike had to be at work, they needed someone to watch her. Since Cassidy had already met Tawny, it seemed like the perfect fit. Being with a lot of people would be safer than being in the woods with Zach. As for Mike, he was going to be on the slopes.

“I know what that's like. When Zach was injured, I tried to find out what happened to him. Unfortunately, those questions caused some people to try to stop me."

"Zach mentioned someone tried to run you off the road."

"Yes. After that incident, in order to go anywhere, someone had to be by my side."

"Which is why Zach called you and asked you tovolunteerto watch me."

Tawny smiled. "Exactly." She turned to the person at the receptionist's desk. “I’d like you to meet Trent,” Tawny said.

Tawny had mentioned on the way over from Zach's that Trent had run into some trouble with the Franklin Clan. From the sounds of it, this clan was a lot like Doug’s group and just as rich too. The woman who was involved in Zach’s shooting and back-carving had been working at Tawny’s shelter at the time. Once she was caught, Tawny hired Trent.

Cassidy held out her hand. “Nice to meet you.”

“You too.”

"Take your coat off," Tawny said. "Trent can keep it for you behind the desk."

Cassidy handed it to him. "Thanks."

Tawny had told her that Trent was Ariel's sister. Cassidy hadn’t met her, but not only was she a vet’s assistant, she was mated to Zach’s cousin, Benson Granger, as well as to Preston Daniels, the owner of the Hard Body Gym.

Her head was spinning from trying to figure out who was who in this town. She had figured out one thing: the Grangers were the royalty of Wildwood.

Tawny escorted Cassidy to the back. Dogs barked, and cats looked up, stared, and then went back to sleep. “Are all of these up for adoption?” Cassidy asked.