Page 40 of Meant for Forever

“I doubt it,” Zach said. “When I was shot, my sister, Alex, and Liam found me. After I healed, they whisked me off to their place, and I didn’t go home for weeks. When I finally did return, I don’t want to describe some of the mold I found. Milk had spoiled and the lunchmeat had rotted. Since I don’t know when Mike will be returning long enough to fix a meal, we’ll be doing him a favor.”

“Got it. Are you going to tell him I’m moving in with you both?”

“That’s your department.”

* * *

Mike had no idea he was so out of shape as far as fighting was concerned. Before Ethan and Jeffrey showed up, Alex decided Mike needed to learn a few fighting techniques. After a short introduction, within a couple of minutes' time, Alex had managed to throw Mike on the mat, punch him in the stomach a few times, and elbow him in the face once or twice. That was the good part. As far as the damage he was able to inflict on Alex? Very little.

Mike was very happy when the other two newbies arrived. Liam was a more gentle instructor—at first. Mike would tussle with Ethan then Jeffrey, and then with both. It took a while, but eventually, Mike figured out the strategy of dealing with two men at once.

At the end of the two hour session, he was ready to head back to Zach’s place. But did Alex and Liam let him leave? No. They said it was time to fight as wolves. Since he’d come there to do just that, he needed to stay.

While fighting several wolves at once was very challenging, he survived, though he did end up with several bite marks on his flank, his legs, and his shoulder. Once they all shifted back, he limped into the men’s house.

To his delight, Alex and Liam suggested they rest a bit in their wolf form to heal. If Mike had any hope of being with Cassidy, he had to do just that.

Even when he left to go back to Zach’s, he wasn’t in the best of shape. A few hours in his wolf form should do the trick, however.

He must have fallen asleep in his room when Zach’s front door opened. Cassidy’s laugh shot straight through him and made his cock instantly hard.

He shifted into his human form, wondering what she was doing there. He stepped into the main room. “Hey.”

She rushed up to him. “Oh, Mike. What happened?”

He hadn’t even looked in a mirror, but he thought he was healed. “I had a fight lesson with Alex and Liam. They didn’t take it easy on me.”

Zach seemed to be working hard not to smile. “Did they go two on one with you, telling you that all you had to do was keep one of the wolves between you and the other one?”

“Yes, but no matter how hard I tried, they would run around me and nip me in the butt, the leg, and even bit me close to the throat.” When he dragged a hand to the side of his neck, he felt the sticky substance. Blood.

“Maybe you should shower,” Cassidy said. “Just so you know, I wanted to be with you last night, too, so we decided it was easier if I just moved in here. We also packed up the food at your place. ”

He couldn’t believe his good luck. Mike had been trying to figure out how to convince her—or rather both of them to do just that.

Since Cassidy had announced she wanted to be with him, Mike couldn’t wait to delve into her sweetness, but he needed to clean up first. “I could use some help in the shower. You up for it?”

She grinned. “Zach and I have been hiking all day. I absolutely need to get clean.”

Neither of the two showers were big enough for the three of them.“Do you mind if I steal her for a bit?”Mike telepathed.

“Go ahead. I’ll put the food away. Maybe I should order in some pizza.”

Mike turned to Cassidy. “Have you two eaten?”

“Only a sandwich, and I’m starving.”

“Pizza sound okay?”

“You are such guys. Sure, but when I have time, I’ll make you my homemade pizza.”

Mike looked at Zach.“She can cook?”

“She’s amazing.”

“Score!”He faced Cassidy. “Let’s get clean.”

She wiggled her fingers at Zach and then winked. Mike guessed this was their plan all along—for the three of them to be together. It was great that everyone was finally on the same page.