Page 22 of Meant for Forever

Mason handed her the phone. “I’m Mason, Zach’s older and better brother.”

Cassidy smiled and shook his hand. “Cassidy Evans.”

Evans?She hadn’t told them her last name. Then again, they hadn’t asked.

“I promise that no one will be able to trace this burner phone.”

She looked over at Zach and then Mike. “Would you mind if I call Mindy now?”

“Of course not. I would ask that you be careful about using the Granger name, though. While the call can’t be traced, no telling if Doug has bugged Mindy’s house.”

Cassidy’s mouth opened. “I hadn’t even thought of that. Thank you.” She pushed back her chair. “I won’t be long.”

As soon as she scooted out of the room, Mason’s eyes widened.“That is your mate?”he telepathed.

Zach couldn’t help but grin.“Both of ours.”

“Damn, bro. Good job.”

Their mother cleared her throat. “You know what I said about using your telepathy at the table.”

They all cracked up.


“Mindy, it’s me. Cassidy.”

The squeal on the other end did wonders for Cassidy’s frame of mind. She missed her friend dearly.

“How are you?” Mindy asked.

Cassidy knew it would be unwise to say too much. “Great. I have a warm bed to sleep in and good food. The details aren’t important. I…ah…read that you are in the hospital?”

“Oh, Cassidy, it was horrible, but they released me a few hours ago.”

“That's a relief. The article said you were attacked. What happened?”

“It was in the newspaper?" she asked.


"I had no idea someone wrote about it,” Mindy said.

“Considering our town is so small, an assault will make the news, but it didn’t say what really occurred.” Cassidy told her what few details were listed.

“That’s more or less the gist. I was coming home from work when someone jumped me in the parking lot. He wore a mask—but it wasn’t Doug, that much I can say for sure. This guy was shorter and stockier and had a different voice. However, he was a werewolf.”

“What did he say?” Cassidy could guess.

“He wanted to know where you were.”

Damn. “I am so sorry. This sucks. Doug claimed he’d hurt someone I cared about if I didn’t agree to be with him, but I didn’t think he meant assault. What did you tell him?” She held her breath, hoping her friend hadn’t said too much.

“I said I didn’t know where you were. All you told me was that you needed to get away, and that the less I knew, the better. Even you weren’t sure where you were going.”

“Way to think on your feet. Did he believe you?”

“Considering he attacked me, I don’t think so.”