“Yeah, Trev?” The coffee maker chimed, and I removed the mug. Steam wafted upward as I added sweetener and stirred it.
“That’s why you got so pissed, isn’t it? When I tried to put the moves on Ella, and you basically told me to fuck off. You were with her then, weren’t you?” He leaned against the countertop next to me and watched me pull the toasted bread from the toaster.
I shrugged. “Not the first time, on the yacht. But that is the night we first got together.”
“Oh!” He grinned, covering his mouth and pointing at me. “That’s why it took so long for you guys to come out, and Todd had to go looking for you.” He howled and shook his head at me.
I grinned and smirked at him, waggling my eyebrows. Then I sobered. “No, honestly, Trevor, I was upset because you crossed some lines. And you need to respect women.”
His laughing stopped and he shrugged as his cheeks turned pink. “Man, I’m sorry. I’m an idiot. I just really liked her. Okay? I mean, it’s cool you’re dating her now. Kinda weird that mystepmom is going to be younger than me if you guys get married, but I get it. Love is love.” He walked away, hands jammed in his pocket, then turned and said over his shoulder, “Just do me a favor, and if you’re going to screw, at least try to keep it down. Especially in the mornings.”
I laughed as he walked out. He had a valid point, even if I didn’t like to admit it. I carried the coffee and toast to the table and set it down where Ella normally sat for breakfast, remembering my promise to fix things with her parents. Things between Trevor and I were as solid as they ever had been. I just hoped Cecilia could help me return Ella’s family ties to their natural state too.
The caller ID on the phone showed my mother’s number. I sat staring at the ringing phone on the small desk in the corner of Rene’s office to which I’d been relegated after my stint away from work and her return. She had called earlier, and I had not picked up, too nervous to speak with her while Rene was in the room. But Rene had gone to make copies and I was alone.
Still, I trembled at the thought that Mom might be calling me to tell me that Dad no longer wanted me in his life at all. I reached for it, but as my hand hovered over the receiver it stopped ringing. I silently cursed myself for not picking up, and before I even retracted my arm, it rang again. I could tell she was serious and wouldn’t give up. So, I answered.
“Hello? Mom?” The quaver in my voice gave away my anxiety. I cleared my throat and tried to calm myself.
“Oh, Ella. I’m so glad you picked up. You will never believe who just left.” She waited as if I were supposed to guess, but I had a pretty good idea. Alan had told me this morning before work that he’d gotten ahold of Cecilia earlier in the week and shewould be speaking to my mother this week. It was Thursday, two and a half weeks after being kicked out of my home.
“I don’t know, Mom. Who was it?” I waited with bated breath for her to respond. My heart raced. I tried to read her tone; she didn’t sound angry at all. In fact, if anything she sounded apologetic. It was like my mother, however, to feign sorrow or remorse at times to gain sympathy. It wasn’t a good trait, but thankfully I had avoided picking that one up and adopting it as my own.
“Dear, it was Cici White. She is part of the Red Hat Society. You remember her? She’s been to dinner a few times.” Mom paused as if I should respond to her a certain way, but I held my tongue. Cecilia was my only hope at this point. “Well, anyway, she stopped by for breakfast after we bumped into each other at the Yacht club yesterday. She told me Alan spoke to her…”
I hated the way she kept baiting me, tempting me to speak before I had any news. I refused to play the game because all I wanted was resolution. I said, “Mhmm?” and waited for her to continue.
“Well, Ella, I just wanted to say I’m sorry. I should have spoken up for you when your father was so angry that day. He just gets so bent out of shape he says things he doesn’t mean. He and Alan have been friends since college, and he just thought things would go differently, you know? Dad just had some dreams for you…”
“Mom, I love him. It’s not like I’ve thrown my life away. I have goals and dreams for my life too. Alan and I are going to build his business. I have a career ahead of me here, and I’m finishing college in just six months. Dad is so worried about me, but he hasn’t stopped to see how me falling in love with Alan has actually been the answer to his prayers.”
This time Mom held her tongue. The line sparked with tension, but at least she was listening to me. “At least I’m not drinking anymore?” I shrugged, hoping to make light of the entire situation and help Mom see how things weren’t so bad after all. I waited a moment, biting my lip, and then I heard it.
Mom started to chuckle. Her chuckled turned into a laugh and I couldn’t help but join her. When she calmed, she cleared her throat and said, “Ella, I’m going to talk to your father about this. Sometimes he just takes things too far. And while I don’t necessarily love the idea of you dating a man who is nearly twice your age, I agree that you are an adult, and you should be able to make your own decisions. Besides, I want my grandbaby to be in my life.”
I could hear her smile as she said the word “grandbaby.” I had spent so much time obsessing about the pregnancy, worrying over whether Alan would hate me, then worrying over whether my father would ever love me again. I hadn’t even taken a moment to realize that this child made Mom and Dad grandparents.
“Thank you, Mom. That means a lot to me.”
“Yes, dear. Well, let’s plan to get together Saturday night on Alan’s yacht. No Alex or Trevor this time, okay? Just the four of us. And we can discuss it more then. I’ll make sure your father comes. You just make sure Alan knows that the only reason I’m doing this is because Cici is my friend and she personally asked me to help.”
“I will, Mom…. I love you.” I hung up and breathed a sigh of relief. To my knowledge we had no plans on Saturday night, but I still had to clear it with Alan. And my hands shook with nerves still, despite having had a decent conversation with Mom.I didn’t want to keep this news to myself. I stood and headed straight for Alan’s office.
When I knocked, Heather nodded at me, as if to give me permission to enter. Alan had told her under no uncertain terms that she was to mind her own business when it came to his personal life, and if people around the office were gossiping, to let him know because he would fire the lot of them. I opened the door with a new-found boldness, eager to see the man I loved.
He looked up as I entered and smiled. “What brings you by?” With a flick of his finger, he set the blinds in motion, closing them off to the rest of the office so we could have privacy. He didn’t always do that, but I was guessing he could read my expression before I even opened my mouth. I shut the door and walked right up to him and climbed on his lap, draping my arms around his shoulders.
“Mom called.”
He held me. I felt him take a deep breath as if bracing himself for the news. “And what did she say?”
I loved the way he wrapped his arms around my body, hands cradling my hips. I rested my head on the back of his chair, nose pressed into his hair. He smelled like his shampoo, fresh and manly. I loved that he was so comfortable with my need for physical affection and hadn’t put boundaries on our relationship in the workplace like I feared he would. The only boundary that was hard and fast, was that the blinds must be shut if anything were to happen, and no sex in the office. I could live with that.
“She said she is going to talk to Dad. She said Cecilia stopped by and spoke with her. Alan, I think it might work. I’m terrified itwon’t, but it might.” I hugged him and kissed his temple. “I need this to work. I don’t want my family to be destroyed by this.”