Damn it.

I blink, scrolling to the second page, and then pause.

Did I just see…? Curiously, hopefully, I scroll back up, just in time to see a shirtless, masked guy sit down in a fancy office chair. Still wearing jeans, he sprawls back in the thumbnail, lifting his hand idly like he’s talking to his viewers.

Yeah, it’s definitely him.

Will he notice if I join? The viewer count is going up by the second, so I know he must be popular, and surely he has to have more important people to talk to than me. Better tippers, too, since I haven’t given him real viewsorreal money.

Refusing to overthink it, I click on the thumbnail, watching as his specific stream opens up in my browser. Now I can see that there’s a tip list in the top corner, listing the top tippers for the show and the top tipper of all time.

Both first place spots are held by the same person with the usernameframed_failures. Feels weird, but who am I to judge? My username, made on a whim as I was watchingScream, isfinalistgirl.

“Oh hey, look who’s back.” That purr is unmistakable and I freeze, figuring he can’t be talking about me. “It’s my friend from yesterday,finalistgirl. Say hi to our shy new friend, everyone.”

Fuck. His viewers are literally telling me hi in the chat like this is some kind of roundtable discussion and not a stream of this guy getting off and talking dirty. Absently I check his name as well, noting that it’sletsplayjay. Is that his name? Jay? I also notice that, despite getting over twenty people to tell me hello, none of the welcome messages are fromframed_failures, even though he surely has to be here if he’s already tipped.

“Don’t be rude, finalist. This is where you say hello.” A shiver goes down my spine as his viewers agree, and again I consider slamming my laptop shut and never getting on here again.

But what can he really do? He’s being fun and interactive. There’s no crime in that, and since it has me flustered, clearly it’sworking. I bet he does it to a lot of new people, and it drags them in to be his lifelong fans.

I wish I could do that, I think distantly, typinghiinto the chat and smacking the enter key to send it.

“There she is!” he chuckles when he sees it. “That’s a good girl.” Yeah, that does things to me that normal porn doesn’t, and I press my thighs together as a shiver runs up my spine. After a few seconds, I tune back in, half-listening as he explains his tipping system and that anyone in the top three can request what they want or ask him anything. Except to show his face, of course.

I can’t help but think that’s an ingenious idea. Clearly no one here cares that they can only see his body, though I do see a few messages begging him to take it off. But he only plays with the idea, fingers skimming along the outside of his mask teasingly before dropping them to his upper body again.

And yet, his top tipper never says a word. Finally, someone does tip a significant amount, and my eyes widen when I see the person casually drop over a hundred dollars toletsplayjayso that he’ll show the stream his cock.

“So soon? But we were having such a good chat.” The streamer is flirty when he says it, though his deft fingers are already working at the button of his jeans. I watch, caught up by the movement, and notice belatedly that he has tattoos winding up his sides, though I can only see the hint of wings and maybe feathers from what has to be a giant back piece. “Now I’m scared you think my conversation is boring.” He lifts his hips just enough to shimmy his jeans downward, revealing his cock slowly enough that people in his chat moan in anticipation until finally he closes one hand around it and moves it up and down slowly, clearly for his audience.

EvenI’minto it, and it’s definitely not my usual type of thing. The same person tips him again, begging him to use his other hand, and because of that, slides into first place on the tip chart.

Only to be immediately replaced withframed_failuresin less than a millisecond. Meaning that his top faniswatching, he or she just isn’t talking. They have to be paying attention to notice that and correct it. So why not make requests like everyone else is?

Off-handedly, I hit the tip button as well, feeling like he probably deserves it for being the one camboy in history to keep my attention. It’s not much, not enough to compete with any of his top tippers, but still. At least it’s something, right?

“Looks like I’ve converted you already, haven’t I,finalistgirl?” He chuckles, though it sounds like more of a purr than anything else. I feel myself shiver once more and hold my breath as I wait. Will he say something else to me? I haven’t tipped enough to get a request. Even if I did, I don’t know what I’d ask for, honestly. I’m new to stuff like this, and not really the type to take charge in the bedroom. Or in the stream.

“Tell you what. Since it’s your first time and you came back even though I teased you, why don’t you tell me what you want to see?” the masked camboy urges. “As long as you don’t tell me to take off my mask, I’ll do it for you.”

God, he already does it for me, truthfully.

Messages blow up the chat, telling me what I should ask for, or begging forletsplayjayto notice them too. Some people argue they tipped more, but I notice there’s still no message fromframed_failures.

Hesitantly, I lift my hands to the keys, typing out a message and hitting send before I can stop myself.

Can I see your tattoos?

He reads it quickly, head tilting to the side behind his mask like he’s considering it. I cringe, wondering if that’s not allowed,or maybe in the rules he went over before I started really listening.

But then he chuckles and nods his head, getting up enough so that he can turn around, his knees in the chair, and leans forward for his audience to see not only his back, but most of his ass as well.

It is a very nice ass, though I can’t stop my eyes from being drawn to the tattoo that spans most of his back. It’s gorgeous, with crows flying in and out of flowers, some of them more hidden than others. The more I look, the more I see, and when I finally glance back at the chat, I notice a message that is almost gone in the stream of requests.

Nice choice, finalistgirl. The sender isframed_failures, and I feel like I’ve had some kind of honor bestowed upon me, since he hasn’t said a word to anyone else.

Once more I reach out, typing a quickthank youinto the chat to be polite.