"Yes. Roy wants it done before then, and I'll do my best, but I won't skimp. Father wouldn't be happy about that, and neither will I. Nothing less than perfection. A happy, satisfied client is as important as the building we're building."

"You sound just like your father," her mom said wistfully.

Beverly smiled soundly.

Once they finished eating, her mom retired to the couch in the living room, yawning heavily.

"Don't you want to go upstairs to bed?" Beverly asked.

"I... If I could just have a pillow and blanket, I think I'll crash here. If you don't mind," her mom said.

Beverly winced. Of course her mom would need time before she could face her bedroom and the bed she aired with her husband whenever she came home.

Beverly hurried upstairs to the lining closest and grabbed a blanket before grabbing her mom's pillow from her bed. She returned to her mom to see her staring at the curtained window.

"You okay, Mom?" Beverly asked quietly.

"I am," her mom said with a small smile. "Just tired."

"I know," Beverly murmured. "Me too."

"And it's late for me, what with the time difference, the time change. Um, do wake me when you eat, though. I'll join you for breakfast."

"It's going to be super early, Mom."

"I know, but eating at the right time for where I've traveled to has always been a huge help for me to be able to adjust to the time difference quicker than anything else I could do."

"You got it."

"Plus I want to hear more about this Roy fellow," her mom said. If she was trying to sound casual, she was failing miserably.

"There's nothing else to tell," Beverly said lightly.

"Hmm. If you say so, but I want to know if he's good-looking and single... for you, dear. Naturally."


Her mom smiled sadly. "I know it's far too soon... I don't see myself finding anyone else, but you... I've always wanted to be a grandmother."

"You need to sleep. You're talking crazy talk." Beverly dropped a kiss onto her mom's forehead.

"Sure I am. You know I'm not." Her mom hugged her. "Goodnight."

"See you in the morning."

* * *

Morning came, and Beverly did wake her mom. While her mom ate toast and ham-and-cheese omelets with Beverly, she was too tired for much talking, which suited Beverly just fine.

Beverly arrived just as early as she had told Roy she would. To her surprise, his truck was already there. He was just climbing out when she parked next to him.

"Are you ready to get this part sorted this morning?" she asked him.

"You know I am," he said. "Just tell me what to do, and I'll do it."

"The way I figure it," she said, "let's handle some smaller bits of work today. The order I placed isn't quite ready yet for the next big project."

"You got it. Order me around, and I'll listen."