She hesitated. "I could get started already."

"I insist."

Beverly nodded slowly, but she did not look the happiest. "If you think there is any chance in which he will be displeased... I don't know if this best to tell him while I'm there."

"Well, then, I'll tell him with you outside his office, and then I'll bring you in. How does that sound?"

She laughed. "Honestly? It sounds lie you tend to get your way."

"I am the oldest of four brothers, so, yes, I do like to give orders, I suppose." He rubbed the back of his neck and laughed. "Do you have any siblings?"

"No. I's just me and my mom."

Roy's expression altered some. "Your father... Did you speak about him in the past tense? I hadn't realized at first."

"It's all right," she murmured.

"I'm so sorry."

Her smile turned pained, and she wrinkled her nose. "Maybe we should go and talk to Colton now."

"Yes, of course. Right this way."

Roy offered her his arm, and she accepted, though he noticed that she had a sad sort of look in her eyes. They walked slowly to the office. He wanted to give Beverly time to take in the sights. The trees seemed to stretch on forever, and he watched as a soft breeze ruffled their leaves and also her hair peeking out from beneath her hard hat. She smiled at him, and he found himself wondering if this place was starting to grow on her. There was a peaceful kind of beauty here that Roy felt lucky enough to be able to experience every day.

When they arrived at Colton's office, Beverly disengaged from him and even took a step back.

"It'll be all right," he hurried to assure her.


He hated that she looked so nervous. Honestly, he couldn't blame her. No one knew she was here, not even Colton, and as she didn't know Colton, she had no idea how he would react to the news that Roy had hired her.

"You already have the job," Roy reminded her softly.

She nodded at him, her lips curling into a smile again.

"I won't be long," Roy said, and he entered the office, shutting the door behind him.

"Who is... Roy." Colton wearily rubbed a hand down his face. "I have to order some more food for the animals and then get back to work. Do you need something? More money for the repairs?"

“Actually…” Roy cleared his throat and rubbed his hands together. “I just wanted to let you know that there’s a female construction worker who is helping me with the repairs. The hay barn… I was afraid it would need more than just a new roof, and I was right. The toolshed… And there’s two other buildings that also need foundational work done. Potentially rebuilt too.”

“That’s a tall order.”

“And why we need Beverly.”

Colton slowly nodded. “Once she gives you the bill, give it to me.”


“It’s my orchard,” Colton said firmly.

“I hired her,” Roy argued, “and you haven’t even met her.”

“I trust your judgment,” Colton said seriously, “but if you would feel better if I see her, brings her in.”

“She’s going to do great work for us,” Roy said eagerly. “You won’t be disappointed.”