Page 43 of Binding Ties

I watched as a team of uniformed officers snuck down toward the house.

The terror had passed and morphed into anger. “If you don’t let me the fuck go, I’m going to file a report against you for holding me against my will. I need to get my son out of that house. Since clearly none of you are doing the job you’re trained to do. Why are you sitting out here waiting?”

“Ma’am. I understand your concern. But it’s a delicate situation, we don’t know what's going on in there. We’re trying to get a visual. We can’t just go in guns blazing.”

“Is my son okay? Is Julian okay? Please, just tell me something. Please, just tell me anything.” I was officially a wreck; ugly crying and everything. I wailed. I fought, but it was no use. He wasn’t letting me go.

I slid to the ground, my whole body convulsed in shakes. Savvy dropped with me and pulled me into her. I laid my head on her shoulder. “I can’t, Sav. What if…” I sobbed again.

“Shhhh… babe. It’s going to be okay. Julian may be new at this dad thing, but he loves that kid with everything in his soul. He’d die before anything happened to Ben.” She rocked, holding me, and I relished the minimal amount of comfort it provided to me.

The officer standing above us’ radio went off again, and he held down the button. “Yes, his mom is out here.”

I looked up at him with a tear streaked face. “Is he okay? Please, dear God, tell me he’s okay.”

“Ma’am, he is just fine. They’re releasing him.” As I stood, the door to the house opened, and I saw Ben running toward me. I kneeled down, and he flung himself into my arms briefly before I pulled away to check him over, making sure everything was okay.

A loud bang went off inside the house seconds later, and I instantly realized what it was I was hearing. It was a gunshot. The sound had us jumping in shock. A gasp fell from my lips, and my stomach plummeted.

I was frozen in place, fear taking over. Overwhelming me. Before I could do or say anything, they were pulling Ben toward the ambulance.


It’d been an amazing afternoon. Ben and I had spent some time down on the beach building sand castles and playing in the waves. We were beat, so we’d decided to come back to the house for a nap before heading back out for dinner.

What I walked into when we got home was Annagayle’s worst fear come to life.

A woman, one I didn’t recognize, was standing in the middle of my living room. Ragged and wrinkled clothing covered her body like she hadn’t slept in days. Her hair looked like a rat had been living in it. Makeup was smeared all over her face, and she had a nervous twitch about her. I tried to wrack my brain over her significance. I wondered if she was in the middle of a psychotic break? I certainly didn't recognize her, so I politely greeted her. Anything to keep the attention on me instead of my son.

“You don’t remember me, Julian?” She put her hand to her chest. “I’m hurt that you don’t remember. We could’ve been so good, you know? You were going to stop racing sooner or later, and we’d finally have time to be together. But, no, you had to run home to her.” She waved her gun around as she spoke and my heart dropped. This wasn’t happening. I hoped with everything that I had that it was a bad fucking dream; that my son wasn’t in the same room as a psycho holding a gun. She didn’t even take a breath before continuing on her crazy ramble.

“She’s not good enough for you. She never will be. She wouldn’t survive in your life, but I would.” Every word was spoken with such vitriol. I didn’t understand how someone who didn’t even know Anna could be so cruel, but, clearly, this woman was out of her ever living mind. All I knew was that I needed to do whatever I had to to get my son out of this house. He was my number one priority.

“Daddy…” I heard the quiver in his voice as he whispered my name. “Daddy… who is she talking about?”

“YOU HAVE A SON!!!!! You created a child with her? I waited for you, Julian, I’ve waited for so long, and I’m going to have you. There’s no choice. It’s either her or me, and if you pick wrong…” She wiggled the gun. “I guess I’ll just have to shoot him.” She shrugged her shoulders and started to pace, talking to herself. “I was really trying not to shoot anyone today.”

It had to be a fan. The few women I’d hung out with since leaving Silverbell had been only platonic.

I shoved Ben behind me and put my hands up when she again waved the gun in our direction. I wasn’t giving her any reason to shoot me. My life was no longer the concern. No, it was the little boy standing behind me. I could tell he was terrified by the whimpers leaving his mouth.

While she was distracted, I pulled the cell phone slowly from my pocket and handed it behind me to Ben. With the lowest voice I could muster. I spoke. “Text your mom and then go hide behind the sofa.”

He nodded his head and slipped the phone from my hand before sneaking over to the couch on the side of the room. I tried to remember all the things I’d been taught throughout the years when it came to crazy fans. Get her to think you like her. Do whatever it takes to get my son out of this.

“What is your name?”


“Casi… I think I’m starting to remember you. Were you at my last race?” I was completely bullshitting my way through this, but the more things I asked her, the more she seemed to relax.

“Yes, I was there cheering you on. I knew you’d win. I never lost faith in you, but you didn’t care about me. You can’t quit racing.” She shoved the gun at me again.

I held my hands up. “There’s no need for the gun, Casi. I’ll make you a deal. How about that?”

She waved the gun around. “I’m listening.”

“Let my son go. Let him go, and I’ll do whatever you want. Please. You can’t take things out on him because he didn’t know. He’s just a child. You don’t want to hurt a child do you?” I started to creep closer to her, but she shouted.