Page 34 of Binding Ties

“So, you’re going to go easy on me, right?” I joked with him, unconvinced that he would even let me win. He sure didn’t when we were kids.

“Maybe to start with… how about this? I’ll give you a head start.” He said it with a cocky smirk. Ben and he were buzzing with emotions; like father, like son.

He stuck to his word and let Ben and I get out in front of him first, giving us a few seconds of a lead before hitting the gas.

This time, I really got into it. I still had to be careful because Ben was with me, but I could also go faster now. I hit the pedal and sped up. My kiddo had his hands flailing in the air and was squealing with glee. It went back and forth between us. I would be ahead one minute and then he’d be ahead the next. We hit that S-bend again, and I knew that the finish line was close, so I hit the gas again and pulled ahead.

Toby waved the checkered flag as we drove past. “Aww…” His bottom lip stuck out as he realized Julian beat us by just a tire.

Ben hopped out of the car and dragged his feet, bummed that we had lost. Julian saw it immediately. “Hey, how about we go for ice cream this afternoon?”

His eyes lit up. “Seriously?”

“Yep. Do you want to?”

“O ‘course.”

We thanked Toby for all his help and headed back out to the car.

“Let’s go get some ice cream.”


“What are the chances I can have Ben to myself for the weekend?” My heart pounded as I asked for permission to keep him for the next two days. I knew Annagayle trusted me, but I still worried she’d turn me down. Hopefully, at this point, I’d proven that I was worthy of keeping him.

She sighed. “I don’t know, Julian. I don’t want him to be uncomfortable. He’s really only been to Mama and Papas or Hutch and Savvys.”

I grabbed a hold of her hands to beg if I had to. We were sitting on the couch, talking, and Ben was in his room playing with his cars. “I promise he’ll be perfectly safe. I just want a guys weekend with my boy. Play some video games, maybe swim in the pool, take a ride in the car, and eat junk food.”

Her eyes found mine. “If I say yes, you have to absolutely promise me that if anything happens, you will call me immediately. I’ll send you home with a list of what foods he likes and doesn’t like so you can get them ahead of time.”

“Yes, give me whatever will make you feel more comfortable with it, okay? I’ll follow your rules and directions. I’m really trying here.” I pleaded with her.

“I know, Ace. I think it’ll be okay. Honestly, I could use a night to sit back and relax. Maybe Savvy can come over and have some wine with me.”

I snickered. “I’m sure she’d love that. Besides, you need a break. I may be five years late, but I want to take on some of your burden and raise our son.”

She cut me a glare. “Our son will never be a burden to me.”

My eyes winched shut. “Fuck, Anna, that’s not what I meant. You two are my world. I just want a little time with my son to get to know him.”

She dipped her head in acknowledgment. “Sorry, I don’t mean to be defensive.”

“Hey, it’s okay.” I lifted my hand to cup her cheek. “This proud mama bear thing you have going on right now is such a turn on.” I leaned in close and took her lips with my own, and she melted into me like she always did.

I wassoin love with this woman.

“So… you two want to go boating with me today? He can take that fishing set your dad got him. He won’t stop talking about it.”

“I think that sounds like fun. I’m sure Ben would love to.” Inside, I was jumping up and down, excited about the fact that she was giving me this chance. On the outside, I remained calm.

“Hey, Ben!” I hollered down the hall from the couch. A few seconds later, he appeared. “How do you feel about going fishing today?” He turned to look at Anna as if he was waiting for permission from her.

“What do you think, Benji?” She asked him softly.

The enthusiasm shined through his voice. “Yes! I can use my fishing set from Nana and Pawpaw!” Oh, to have the joy of a five-year-old again. “Dad, I can finally show you what it looks like and how good I am at fishin’.”

I held my hand up for a high five, and he returned the gesture. “Let’s do it.”