Page 41 of Binding Ties



I chided her, and all she sent back was a laugh out loud emoji. I can totally see her rolling her eyes at me.


See you soon!

Another half an hour passed before there was a knock on my front door. I ambled toward it and looked through the peephole. I figured it was probably Savvy, but better safe than sorry. There she stood with a bright, wide grin spreading those cute little rosy cheeks of hers.

I opened the door and stepped to the side so she could enter. As she walked through, she handed me two bottles of wine. “I couldn’t decide which one we needed, so I brought both.”

“You sure Hutch is okay with me stealing you for the day?”

“Are you kidding me? He’s probably stoked right now; given that he has the freedom to leave the toilet seat up without getting yelled at or burping out loud without having to excuse himself.”

I chuckled. “You make him seem like a Neanderthal.”

“Well… he kind of is. He’s very much a ‘you woman, me man, you are mine’, beat-on-his-chest type of guy.”

It was true. Hutch was very protective of Savannah, and though it may have seemed over the top, it's really all I wanted for her; to be loved. My mind replayed the last time Julian and I were together, and a hot blush crept up my porcelain cheeks.

“Ohhh, well that looks like a story. Do tell…”

My brows pinched. “What are you talking about?”

She twirled her finger at me. “That face, the one you just made. What were you thinking about just now? I could see your mood totally start brightening. I bet it was him wasn’t it? Were you thinking about his man meat?” I cracked up.

“Oh… uhm…”

Her eyes widened with humor. “Oh, my God, you totally were.”

“Oh, good lord.” I covered my face with my hands.

She reached out and grabbed a hold of my hand. “Hey, you know I’m just happy to see you smiling again, right? I know this wasn’t the ideal situation for Julian to walk into, but he seems to be taking to it like a fish to water.”

I smiled. “He is really doing well, isn’t he?”

She dipped her chin. “You got a good one. Don’t let him just walk away this time.”

“Do you think it’s selfish of me to want this? To have Julian here with us as a family?”

She grabbed me by the shoulders to make sure my attention was fully on her. “Absolutely not. It’s about time you do something for yourself.”

I may have nodded my head, but a part of me still felt guilty. This time should be about him and Ben.

The afternoon flew by as Savannah distracted me with a pedicure and manicure. We threw our hair up into ponytails and anointed our faces with blue goo that was supposed to make us soft and fresh. Then we shamelessly watched 27 Dresses while eating greasy pizza we’d ordered in.

“Mmmm… I can’t remember the last time I had gloriously greasy pizza.” I say as a string of cheese hangs from my lips. “I won’t let Ben eat it because it’s not good for him.”

“Hutch is the same way about Rex. No snack foods or anything greasy.”

27 Dresses ended, and Savannah looked at me. “Watch something else?”


My phone dinged on the coffee table in front of us, and I grabbed it.