Page 77 of All the Right Moves

I’m not quite sure what to say because I’ve never been much of the “kiss and tell” type. Even when I was around my gal pals back at school, I never gave up many details about my love life. Quite frankly, it’s nobody else’s business.

And things are going so well with Shane, but I don’t feel the need to boast about it. There’s something special about keeping the sexy and romantic stuff just between us.

I consider deflecting and telling them to offer details about their love lives, but they’re married to my brothers. I am one hundred percent sure that I don’t want to know those details. I’d rather talk about my sex life all day long than hear about how my brothers are in the sack.

Andi says, “Okay, okay. Trace, we are making her blush. You don’t have to tell us anything, Jenna. We just came over here to see how you were doing. We know we haven’t been by much.”

“It’s alright,” I assure them. “You two have lives—husbands, kids, and jobs. You don’t need to put your life on hold to come to check on me.”

Andi gives me an apologetic smile. “Still, we should have at least stopped by.”

I’ve always felt lucky that my brothers married such incredible women. Between Andi and Tracy, and Jared’s wife, Kris, they have always had my back. They’re all independent and know what they are doing in their lives, and I admire them more than they’ll ever know.

Kris and Andi are sisters, and although both of them grew up in big cities, they seem to now fit in perfectly well in our tiny hamlet of a town. On the other hand, Tracy is a born and bred country girl. She and I always had a lot in common due to that. Growing up, we were more likely to enjoy playing with mud than makeup. And we would have no problem in kicking a boy’s ass for being mean to us.

Tracy interrupts my thoughts. “Speaking of jobs, I heard you were in town the other day on the hunt for a job.”

“Yep,” I say. “It didn’t go quite as planned.”

Her face scrunches in confusion. “Why didn’t you tell us you were looking for a job?”

“Why does it matter?”

“Uh, I don’t know,” she says. “Maybe because you have a whole family who could give you a job.”

“Oh,” I stammer. “Well, I didn’t want you to think that I was calling in a favor or something.”

Andi laughs. “You have babysat all of our crazy kids in the past so much that I’m sure you are allowed to call in a favor.”

Tracy adds, “You have a standing offer from all of us. You can come work at the clothing store with me, or I’m sure Jonas and Andi can find something for you to do on the ranch.”

“Don’t do that,” Andi giggles. “We might catch her and Shane doing it while they’re supposed to be working.”

Tracy asks, “Is that what you and Jonas do? Get naughty on your lunch break?”

I cover my ears and start singing, “Lalalala!”

Andi rolls her eyes and pulls my hands down. “Calm down, Miss Dramatic. But Tracy is right. You can always have a job if you need one.”

Tracy adds, “And if you’re looking for some quick cash, Jessie and I need a babysitter tomorrow night. Think you could watch Nora for us?”

“Of course,” I reply. “Bring her over whenever.”

We make some more small talk for a little while and hash out the details for tomorrow before Andi and Tracy walk back over to Andi’s to grab something.

When they’re gone, it’s just Momma and me, and she still has barely said a word. It’s kind of starting to freak me out.

“Alright, Momma, spill. What’s going on?”

“Are you okay?” She asks. “Taylor told Jonas that Shane said you were sick.”

“Oh, I’m doing better now.”

She stands up from the chair and joins me on the couch. “Jenna, I know for a fact that Shane wouldn’t trade shifts from work if it were nothing.”

We both sit in silence for a minute because I have a sinking feeling that she already knows what the problem is, and she just hasn’t said it yet.

“Have you thought about seeing a doctor?” She asks.