Page 68 of All the Right Moves

I take a deep breath and try to push the negativity out of my mind. This is a good day, and I’m not going to let myself get all worked up focusing on the bad.

The doctor gave me a boot to wear if I’m going to be doing a lot of walking, but I ditched it the moment I got in Jessie’s truck. I’ve had that cast too long not to enjoy this moment—weird-looking calf or not.

I have to go back in a week or so to assess my need for physical therapy, which I’m not looking forward to.

But I’m not going to worry about that tonight. Tonight is all about Shane and me.

Pulling out my phone, I fire off a text to Shane.

Me: Hey, sweets, just making sure you’re still coming over tonight.

It takes a moment for him to respond.

Shane: I planned on it. Why? Everything okay?”

Me: Everything’s great. I have a surprise for you.

Shane: Can’t wait, Sunshine.

Chapter Thirty-five


Ever since Jenna texted me saying she had a surprise for me, I can’t get her off my mind. Okay, if I’m being honest, Jenna’s always on my mind no matter what, but knowing she has something planned makes me even more excited.

Work drags on, but I manage to make it through. As much as I’d love to head straight to Jenna’s, my grandpa’s sick, and Grandma asked if I could stop and grab him some medicine. So, I texted Jenna and told her I’d be a little later than expected.

As quickly as I can, I stop by the pharmacy before heading back to the house. Grandma is sitting in the living room doing her knitting and watching some talk show she recorded earlier.

“Hey, Grandma,” I greet when I walk in.

“Hey there, Shane. How are you doing, Darlin’?” She asks, her eyes still firmly fixed on her knitting needles.

“I’m alright, I suppose.”

I hand her a small paper bag with the medicine inside before excusing myself to take a shower.

When I’m done, I don’t want to immediately run off, so I take a seat in the other recliner chair.

“How’s Gramps doing?” I ask.

“Stubborn,” she mutters.

“I already knew that.” I smile at her.

“His cough has been getting worse the past few days, so I insisted we go to the doctor today. She said it’s just a bad chest cold but insisted on him resting so it doesn’t get any worse. When we got home, that man had the nerve to tell me he was going to go outside and rake leaves. So, I got mad and sent him to bed.”

I can’t help but chuckle. My grandma is one of the sweetest people in the world, but you do not want to make her mad. My grandpa knows that better than anybody.

“Are you okay?” I ask Grandma, noticing she looks more tired than usual.

“Oh, I’m fine. Just worrying about your grandpa—as usual.” She gives me a faint smile. “What are you up to tonight?”

“I’m supposed to be heading to Jenna’s, but if you want some company, I can stay.”

“Nonsense! Get out of here and go have a good time.”

“Are you sure you’ll be okay?”