Page 47 of All the Right Moves

His eyes narrow in on me. “And all the candles?”

“They help with the ambience,” I defend. “Plus, they smell good, right?”

Jared interrupts before Jessie can keep going. “Dude, let it go. If Jenna was going to have a guy come over, there’s no way she’d tell us about it.”

“Why not?” Jessie asks.

Jared replies, “Because Jenna barely tells anyone anything. She’s like a locked vault.”

“Hey,” I say. “You guys know I’m sitting right here, right? I can hear you.”

“It’s not a bad thing,” Jared argues. “That’s why you’re so good at secret-keeping.”

I just roll my eyes and change the subject. “Can I have one of those beers?”

Jared scoffs. “You’re not old enough.”

“I’m 21!” I cry.

“No way!” Jonas says.

“Uh, yes, I am,” I protest.

“What year were you born?” Jared asks.

I tell them and watch them all do the mental math to figure out that I am, in fact, 21.

“Son of a bitch,” Jonas mutters, handing me one of the cans. “Boys, we’re getting old.”

“You didn’t need me to tell you that,” I say before taking a swig and letting out a loud burp.

Jared laughs, “Christ, Jenna. Sometimes, I think you’re more manly than the three of us.”

Taking another swig, I say, “Well, my balls are certainly bigger.”

They all erupt in laughter before Jared says, “Oh, but we aren’t finished with out little surprise yet, baby sister.”

“Oh?” What more can these crazy brothers of mine have up their sleeves?

Jonas pulls out his phone and hits a few buttons before I see my stereo click on. He must have his phone set up to connect wirelessly.

He hits a few more buttons while we all wait patiently. All of a sudden, music starts playing through the speakers on either side of the room. It’s a Celine Dion ballad.

They all line up and grab random items around the room, pretending they are microphones. Not only do they effortlessly lip-sync every word, but they have a complete choreographed routine to go with it.

By the time it’s done, I’m laughing so hard that I’m keeled over, holding my stomach. When I finally compose myself, I look at my three manly-as-hell brothers and can’t help but smile. No matter what, these guys will go out of their way to make me smile. Even when we were kids and our dad would leave again, they would do everything they could to cheer me up.

They sit back down and look at me. Jonas leans over and puts his hand on my knee, “I know things have sucked lately, Jenna. I know that your life is different, but as long as you have us, we will try to make it a little better.”

I force back the wave of emotion I suddenly feel hitting me, but before it can get very far, the front door swings open.

“Well, well, well,” Jessie sings. “Looks like our little sisterdidhave a man coming over. And it seems the two of them have been keeping secrets from everyone.”

Knowing we’ve been busted, my face scrunches up, and I sigh.

Shane walks in a little further. “I guess the cat’s out of the bag, Sunshine.”

“Sunshine?” Jonas asks. “Someone should tell him how grumpy you are.”