Page 73 of Dancing & Drama

When the room was empty, save for the three of us, both alphas snuggled into the bed with me, and I couldn’t help but drift off.

My hell was over, and now all I had to do was live my life. Wasn’t that a comforting thought to fall asleep to? For the first time in months, I truly slept easy.



Laughter escaped as Nash snagged me around the waist, burying his nose in my neck and breathing in deeply.

“Sienna, enough running.”

“Doc said I needed to stay active,” I told him with some amusement, but I let him pick me up. My legs wrapped around his waist in a motion that had become effortless. Every part of me craved to touch him, all of them, when they were near, and the closer we could cuddle together, the better.

The specialist had filled me in on my new normal, which included checking my blood sugar, insulin shots, and regular doctor appointments, and I was already feeling so much better. I’d been out of the hospital for a month, and there was a lot to keep an eye on, like my heats, but we had figured out a few tricks to help keep me happy and healthy.

My pack had taken to storing snacks in every spare crevice of the house, their cars, and even at work. They had alerts on their phones to remind me when I was supposed to be checking my blood sugar, and they’d text me to check in if they weren’t there in person.

Yuri and King had read up on everything about diabetes, so they knew things even I didn’t know. It was an intense way to care for someone, but their intentions were so sweet that I never complained.

As for all the other drama in my life, I had started seeing a therapist. She was really helping me deal with the trauma my sister had given me about money and my mom’s health. I found it surprisingly easy to lean on her and confide in her, and she’d helped me continue to embrace the new Sienna who let her alphas treat her in the way she deserved. Although she didn’t have firsthand experience with the Humble Creed, she was experienced in helping omegas work through heat-related trauma. My situation was unique, but together, we were figuring out how to make my next heat less scary.

Nash nipped my neck, making me gasp. “Where is your mind wandering off to?”

“Just everything.” I smiled and leaned back to press a kiss to his lips. “Don’t you have work tonight?”

“Yes,” he grumbled, and the pout on his face only made my smile turn into a grin.

I hadn’t gone back to work yet. Yuri had overridden my protests, saying he wanted to make sure I was one hundred percent ready before I started dancing again. I still visited the club to spend time with my pack, though, in between longingly watching the other girls dance.

One time, Nash caught me trying to dance and took me to a private room so I could perform just for him during his break… Needless to say, his short break turned into a happy ending. That was the day I learned Yuri loved to watch. I’d ended up sucking off my quiet alpha after riding Nash through two orgasms. When they found out what had happened, River and King weren’t about to be outdone. They claimed me on the stage after closing, making that night into one I’d always remember.

Eliza had asked if we were thinking about getting married like Hazel and her pack, but right now, our main focus was my health. That might eventually be in the cards for us, but we had other things on our minds, and soon, we’d have even more.

Nash and I showered together before he kissed me soundly and headed off to work. I waved him off then hurried to get my surprise ready.

I had been feeling a little off for the past week, so I’d made a call to my doctor who urged me to come in. After my recent hospital stint, they wanted to keep a close eye on me and any changes I felt. My pack had been busy with work, so I told them I was just going in for a check-up.

The positive pregnancy result was a shock, but also a relief. It meant that my symptoms made sense and weren’t related to Rapture. How I felt now was different from anything surrounding my heat, and they reassured me they’d watch the pregnancy closely. The doctor sent in a referral for an OB specialist, and my first appointment was in a week.

Part of me had thought about doing some huge reveal with all of our friends and family, but while River might really enjoy that, I thought my other alphas would much prefer a private moment, at least at first, so I decided to provide for the people who took care of me every day.

I made a spread of their favorite things—ramen for River and sushi for Yuri, poutine for Nash, and I even made some chocolate peanut butter moon pies that King had mentioned loving during one of our movie nights. My stomach grumbled its desire to eat all of it even though I wouldn’t be able to have any of the sushi.

My pack messaged me a few times to check in and ask if I was coming to see them at work, but I just replied saying I was just going to relax and at home watching TV. Cue the many texts asking if I was okay or feeling tired. I reassured them I was fine, just didn’t feel like going out tonight.

By the time they got home, everything was ready. I was sitting at the kitchen island in a pair of Yuri’s sweats and one of King’s shirts.

River and King were talking as they strode in, and River stumbled to a stop as soon as they saw the food, causing King to nearly topple like a set of dominoes.

“What—” He stopped when he saw me sitting there with a shy smile. “Did you make all of this?”

“Yes.” I replied, hoping they liked it. River came right over and wrapped their arms around me, squeezing me tight. I hugged them back, rubbing their back, and a moment later, I heard the front door open again, telling me Yuri and Nash were home, too.

“Sienna!” Nash called out.

“We’re in the kitchen,” King answered. River picked me up and plopped me down into their lap.

Nash and Yuri walked into the room, doing an impeccable repeat of River and King’s reaction.