Page 53 of Dancing & Drama

It was hard to look down at the small stack of personal documents, photos, and the pendant in my hands. They were all that was left of what felt like another life. I’d worked so hard to be independent, yet I’d lost almost everything. If not for my pack, I knew I’d never be able to replace the things that were gone.

“What now?” I asked as I glanced over at Yuri. His hands were resting on the steering wheel, but he had yet to pull away.

“Let’s go find a chain,” he suggested. “Then I believe we have a party to prepare for. Do you need something to wear?”

I perked up at that. We’d gotten a few things, but I didn’t have a huge variety.

“River might kill us if we go without them,” I pointed out.

“Text them on the way. We’ve got time,” Yuri said simply. I pulled out my phone and opened the group chat.

Sienna:We’re done at the apartment and heading to the mall for clothes and a replacement chain. Anyone else want to join?

King:I’m getting a bit of work done, so I’m out. Have fun.

River:You had me at shopping. Tell my cousin to pick me up, I’ll be ready

Sienna:On our way.

“We have to swing by for River, but King is working,” I announced to the others as I settled in my seat. It was more comfortable already, now that the anxiety that had plagued me all morning was gone. I didn’t realize I’d drifted off until River nudged me awake. They chuckled as I blinked open my eyes and struggled to focus on them.

“Tired, omega?”

“I don’t know why,” I muttered. I’d been sleeping like a damn baby on the bed Yuri had given me. It was even better when I went to my nest.

“Then coffee is in order. Stop by Caffeineaholics Anonymous,” River ordered their cousin. Yuri switched lanes without complaint, for which I was very grateful.

“Wait, that’s their actual name?” Nash questioned.

“Yes,” River said. “They have support groups on Wednesday nights, but they’re basically just a bunch of people who drink coffee and gossip.”

“I don’t believe you,” Nash huffed as if River were just being sarcastic.

“It really is called that,” I muttered around a yawn. “I have a shirt from there. Or rather, I used to.”

“I didn’t realize you were a vintage tee type of omega. I’ll have to find us some fun new ones,” River said absently as Yuri pulled up to the window. “Double shot of espresso in a caramel latte.”

“Same, but make it triple,” I added. Maybe the guys were right about my heat coming again soon.

Yuri muttered something since he and Nash weren’t into death by caffeine like we were, but he placed the order nonetheless. When he passed my drink back, I took a sip, ignoring the burn. It was worth it for the wake up. By the time we reached the mall, I was feeling semi-human again, which was a major improvement.

“Jewelry first. Otherwise, we’ll never get to it,” Yuri said, then he turned the car off and climbed out. He was at my door in a few moments, helping me out. He leaned down and brushed his lips over mine before a small grimace took over. “You don’t taste the same with all that coffee.”

“I’d apologize, but it’s my precious right now.” I downed another long pull, hellbent on finishing it before we got to the main doors.

“Leave her alone. It’s been a day,” River teased their cousin before linking their arm through mine and pulling me away.

“I’m hardly being mean,” Yuri grumbled, half amused, half exasperated. I was starting to realize that was his constant state when River and I were together.

“You can’t win with River,” Nash said with a hint of sympathy. When I glanced back, he winked at me. Something inside me warmed at the sight. They were joking together like a real pack would, which gave me this cozy sort of feeling. I wanted to curl up between them and just soak up all the good vibes, but we were on a mission.

When we reached the entrance, River and I clinked our cups together, then upended them, racing to finish. I was first, tossing it in the can with a triumphant cry. They laughed as they finished and tossed theirs away as well.

“Come on, children,” Nash teased. “I have a store I want to check out.”

“Which one?” I questioned.

“There’s a leather shop,” he said with a shrug, almost looking embarrassed.