Page 21 of Dancing & Drama

I bit my lip as thoughts of my heat came rushing back. Good thing the girls were already diving into mimosas.

Yuri:Everything on the work front is taken care of.

Nash:Good. When are we taking our omega out, then?

Sienna:I’m working tonight, but I’m off tomorrow. Anyone else?

River:I’ve got a shift, but I heard the other bartenders talking about wanting overtime. I can switch.

“What’s got you smiling, Sienna?” Teagan asked. She never let things go, and one look at her narrowed eyes had the truth finally coming out. Now that the guys and I were diving into this, it felt wrong to hold back. I had enough secrets. It was time.

“I have something to tell you guys,” I said. They all put down their glasses while I nervously twisted my hands. “You know my job at that casino?”

“Yeah?” Eliza’s brow furrowed when I didn’t continue. “Did something happen?” Mama hen was in full effect now, which meant I was out of any stalling time.

“I had to quit. The customers were horrible, and some asshole accused me of stealing, so I walked out. I found a new job, and I’ve been working there for a few months. That’s how I know Yuri. He’s my boss. River and Nash work there, too.”

“What assholes! You’d never steal!” Teagan growled, but I wasn’t lucky enough for all of them to be stuck on that part of my explanation.

“Wait, isn’t Nash a bouncer at a strip club?” Eliza questioned. I nodded and gave them a minute to let that information sink in.

“So you’ve been lying to us?” Hazel clarified, disappointment clouding her features. “I thought we weren’t keeping secrets. That was a huge conversation we had when I got with my pack, and we said we’d stick to that policy from now on.” The hurt in her voice was exactly what I’d expected, and the guilt that had been gnawing at me for months reared its ugly head.

“I’m sorry,” I said quietly, tears making my eyes burn. “Life has just been so crazy, and at first I wasn’t trying to keep it a secret. We were dealing with the wedding, and I wasn’t going to ruin it with my drama. Then the new job turned into something I did for me and didn’t want to share. It wasn’t that I thought you’d be assholes and judge me. It was just that it wasmything.”

“That is bullshit, Sienna,” Eliza said, downing the rest of her drink in one go. The way she was blinking told me that I’d fucked up.

“If that counts for anything, I’m sorry,” I offered sadly, and the tears spilled down my cheeks.Fuck.“I dance, and I love it. The pole dancing classes helped a lot.”

“We do those with you,” Hazel said in a huff. “You could have brought it up at any point. Why hide it?”

“I told you why,” I said honestly. “It was just a big deal for me, and I wasn’t ready to share when the time came. I don’t really get a lot of things that are just mine… Maybe that’s shitty, but it’s true.”

Teagan let out a breath. “You genuinely didn’t think we’d be bitches about it or look down on you for it?”

“Of course I didn’t,” I defended.

“Is there anything else you need to tell us?” Eliza asked. She pursed her lips and stared me down. The others, including Valentina, who had been silent this entire time, waited to see what I’d say.

Part of me knew that I should mention how things had gotten worse with my mom—the constant updates from Sam, who currently held medical power of attorney, the money I was sending over every few days… Obviously mom’s condition was only getting worse and I hadn’t even been able to talk to her in weeks. But I also knew revealing that my sister was my only source of information would only cause tension to flare up again and I didn’t think I could handle that today.

“No,” I told them firmly, shaking my head. “Well, actually… You originally asked why I was smiling. I’m going to start seeing the alphas that joined us for girls' night.”

Valentina choked, shock making her sputter, and Hazel threw her head back with laughter. “The alphas?! All of them?”

“Yes.” I smirked, feeling oddly proud that I had been able to garner that kind of reaction from the older omega.

“Four alphas?” Eliza shook her head. Her blue eyes were still slightly guarded, but she did smile at least. “Good luck to you with that. I couldn’t imagine. Loki is enough to put up with, and he’s just one alpha.”

“Yeah, I couldn’t imagine having more than Maximo and Sutton. I’d never get to do anything.”

“That’s not true.” Teagan nudged Hazel with her shoulder. “The twins would still sneak off with you to do all kinds of crazy things.”

Hazel laughed, her cheeks heated with the thought of her two mates.

I shook my head as we all calmed down and went back to eating. My phone buzzed again, and I saw that Yuri was telling King that he should stop by the club tonight. He mentioned something about a business proposition and talking about date ideas. The others agreed, and I gave my own approval before turning my phone over so that I could focus on my friends.

I was just glad no one was holding on to any grudges about my secret keeping, but given the spark of mischief in Valentina’s eyes, I knew things were about to go off the rails.