Page 3 of Dancing & Drama

How had this omega gone so long without being tended to by anyone? What made this heat different enough that she’d called in someone like me to see her through it? Another wave of her heat hit us, and my instincts took over, slamming me balls deep inside of her. Her back arched, a cry falling from her lips as my knot immediately started to swell, stretching out her needy pussy.

I couldn’t have stopped myself if I tried. My need to fuck her took over as she met every thrust with one of her own, nonsense spilling from her lips when I reached between us to circle her overly sensitive clit, determined to make this good for her. When she came, her pussy squeezing my cock unbelievably tight, she screamed my name. Masculine, alpha-driven possessiveness filled me, and my hips sped up, thrusting in and out of her hot wetness as much as my knot would allow until my cum filled the condom.

If I was a different kind of alpha or another man, I would wish that we had met under different circumstances. The soft look in her eyes and the way she cuddled into me as I fucked her… She was perfect.Gorgeous.But relationships weren’t my thing, and certainly not relationships with a doe-eyed, no-longer-virgin omega.

One week.

I’d drown myself in her for one week.

Then I’d never have to see her again.

But I wished I knew what she smelled like because when I dreamed of her later, it would be a shame that I didn’t have every detail about her.



My heart sank with the flash of my sister’s name across my phone screen. Her calls were never good news, and I could already feel my anxiety rising with every buzz.

“Hey, Sam,” I finally answered, using the same falsely cheerful voice that she never bothered to call me on. Mom’s care was obviously taking its toll on her. She couldn’t get enough hours at work thanks to the constant need for time off—largely due to Mom’s appointments and issues. I was working myself to the bone to help where I could, but my feelings were the least of her concerns.

“Sienna,” she said in a relieved whisper. “I’m on break at work, and I wanted to tell you the doctor just called.”

“Oh god,” I breathed out. She hadn’t even told me the news yet, but a vise was already settling around my chest, slowly tightening until every erratic breath became painful.

“They said her results came back and they didn’t want to wait to call. The cancer is spreading faster than they thought, and there’s a new medication that’s supposed to help slow it down, but it’s…” Sam didn’t need to say the words for me to put the pieces together.

“More money,” I finished.

She let out a long sigh. “I’m sorry, Sienna. I’m doing what I can here, but another five hundred a month is impossible when I’m carting her back and forth and being a full-time caretaker. I can only take shifts when Dad’s not working.” The pathetic tone of her voice bordered on a whine, and I wasn’t aiming for a full-blown breakdown. Sam was what you’d call a bit of a princess. She always got her way, and when she didn’t, well, let’s just say her teen years were rough.

“I’ll try to pick up a few extra shifts, but I’m barely staying above water here, Sam,” I said. My own voice was hollow, numb. As the strange yet familiar feeling settled in like my body was its home, my fingers inched toward the weed waiting next to me.

“Do what you can. I just don’t want Mom to suffer. She’s been really bad lately,” she admitted, breaking my heart in two. From Mom’s latest emails, it’d been rough, but I didn’t know it had gotten worse. The up and down was starting to really worry me.

“We’ll figure it out, Sam. We always do,” I promised. She said a quick hushed goodbye before hanging up on me. I barely managed to set my phone on the table before the tears broke free. Thank fuck I was still in the hotel room alone, getting ready to check out, so I had no witnesses for my moment of weakness.

By the time the tears dried and the weed had been smoked, I was in a comfortable state of numbness.

“Get it together, Sienna. You can handle this,” I reminded myself as I packed up the last of my bag and zipped it up.

The only thing I could do was go back to work and dance my heart out. At least there I felt somewhat normal and in control of my life. Even if it was a smoke screen, I’d fucking take it.

Picking my phone back up, I called my boss’ line. He was an intimidating alpha when you first met him, always dressed in perfectly tailored suits, looking like he belonged on a magazine cover. But after working for him, I knew he was fair and cared about his workers. It didn’t hurt that he was heartbreakingly handsome. He had dark hair and rich brown almond-shaped eyes, a jawline that could cut glass, and muscles that pushed against his tight-fitting suits. To top it off, he had a slight accent from his years spent in Japan, which only made his smoky voice more alluring.

Okay, maybe he was a huge part of the reason I loved my job, but it was definitely more than that. Dancing cleared my mind and kept me strong, gave me a chance to get out of my shitty situation and become someone else. It made me feel confident which was something I hadn’t experienced much in my life.

Though if I really felt so confident, I wouldn’t be lying to my best friends about where I work.Now wasnotthe time to be thinking about that.

Yuri answered on the first ring. “Sienna. I hope you are well?” I smiled at that, and my heart skipped a beat. He’d greeted me by name, which brought a little warmth to the edges of my numbness.

“Yes, thank you. The heat is over, and I’d love to get back to work. Can you get me on the schedule?” I practically pleaded.

“You’re already on it. I booked an extra girl for the next few days just in case you couldn’t make it, but I made sure there was room for you,” he reassured me. “Alice’s heat is hitting early, so we might need you to help fill in for her if you have the time.”

“I’ll pick up any shifts you can give me, Yuri,” I said quickly. He let out a soft hum of acknowledgement, then I heard the clicks and taps of his keyboard.

“We will see you tonight at six, Sienna,” he said before hanging up. He was a busy man, so he rarely wasted time on pleasantries outside of checking in on us.