Page 55 of Pretty Little Thief

Not me. That’s for sure.

I’ve never dreamt about what my future might look like or how he would treat me, but I do have four men running through my head, and none of them would be a tyrant king.

If the rumors are true, then I have my hands full. I need to find a way to undo what Rami has set into motion.

I take another second to drown out the pain of the outside world before popping back up.

Today was always going to be hard, but knowing that I will have to meet the man my brother sold me off to makes me wantto drown myself in this bathtub and be done with this world altogether.

Is this my fork in the road? Do I let the water fill my lungs and take me away or is that a coward’s way out of not dealing with my issues?

Tiny fingers grip my arms, and suddenly, I’m lifted up out of the water by my arms, coming face to face with a grumpy Cyra.

“This is not the time to daydream, My Lady. We must hurry. You have people waiting for your arrival.”

I roll my eyes as she begins to wash my hair. Cyra has been raised to fulfill her duty to the kingdom. She doesn’t stop to think of what that might truly look like for someone like me. She’ll be happily married off to whatever lord the king chooses without an ounce of resentment or regret.

I almost envy that about her. So willing to do as she’s told for the greater good.

Me on the other hand, I’ve fought tooth and nail against the archaic structure our ancestors set into motion. Long before my father told me of the prophecy, I bucked at every duty I was ever given, especially when it came from my grandmother.

She follows the ways of the old, and I want to forge a new path for myself and those who come after me. I know it’s silly to think that one person could change the mindset and ways of a whole kingdom, or better yet, the whole realm.

Cyra finishes my hair as I wash my body in silence. “Let’s go, Princess,” she says, grabbing a robe from a corner table. I hesitate, narrowing my eyes at her.

She gives me a knowing look before letting out a sigh. “Please, Robyn. Not today. Don’t fight this. I want you to look your best when you meet him.”

I scrunch my nose at her, shaking my head. “Better idea. Make me look like a troll so he wants nothing to do with me.”

She scoffs, holding the robe out and waiting for me.

With an exaggerated huff, I rise from the water and let her cover me. She sweeps me into the room and begins working her magic.

I can only imagine what it’s like for someone that’s waited their entire life to be wed to sit here and watch me struggle with it. She was bred for this sort of thing. I guess they tried to do the same to me, but it didn’t happen.

The outfit she’s laid out for me is gorgeous, but there’s something inside me that wants to fight putting it on.

Once we leave this room, reality will set in. I have no escape plan and minimal skills to be able to protect myself. My four guards stand no chance of surviving against the army at my brother’s back if I try to escape.

The only plan that’s crossed my mind is negotiating with the king to bring my guard with me to this new land. I have no doubt that he will deny my request, but if there’s a small chance he will allow me to bring them, then I’ll take it.

I can’t survive the journey without them, so I’ll bargain with whatever necessary to bring them along.

After I dress, Cyra braids my hair as she always does. Her hands fall to my shoulders, giving them a tight squeeze. “There. You look gorgeous. King Naveen won’t know what to do with himself when he sees you.” Her proud smile makes me feel guilty. She would happily take my place if she could, and oh how I wish that were possible.

I sigh. “Great. Now, can we get this over with?”




The moment we step out of my chambers we head straight for the throne room where my brother should be awaiting ourarrival. I rub my sweaty palms against my dress and inhale a shaky breath. My legs feel like jelly as I glance over my shoulder.

Cyra and the guys are right here with me, so that helps ease some of the tension. Now, I just need to focus on getting through the day without breaking.

Stomach knotting, I stumble over my feet, and Dominic grabs my arm, holding me upright.