Page 47 of Pretty Little Thief

Two days. I have two days until something happens and my path is forged forever. With the news of Lord Osbirth and my father’s bannermen falling, I need to be ready for whatever comes our way.

I don’t tell them about the prophecy or the dream that just took me under. That’s my burden to bear. And I will bear it alone for as long as I can.

“We need a plan, and I need to train. That’s what my father wanted, so that’s what we’re going to do.” Not waiting for their response, I walk over to Koa, who has been waiting patiently by a tree, and I climb on her, taking off to our spot.

Eventually the guys catch up, but I’m already fast at work. Bow in hand, arrow between my fingers, and determination filling my mind.

My father and mother let me have a childhood filled with happiness because they knew one day the hardships I would face. I won’t let them down.




Callum and Greyson broke away from us shortly after we started training. They needed to rest. They had been traveling for dayswith little to no sleep, and I can only imagine the horror they witnessed seeing our men dead.

I ate alone in my father’s study. Dominic and Tristan waited outside the doors as I finished my meal and started to go through some of my father’s things, studying every parchment and map heavily.

The group that attacked our men couldn’t have come from IronHaven. Dominic and Tristan would have been aware of that many men disappearing at once, so that leaves me to believe it came from another source.

It could have been King Barouk’s men, but I doubt they would have come this far and turned back. They would’ve continued to travel to Windemere. Men like that want to conquer, and taking out my father’s bannermen would have been a great accomplishment.

So that means it had to be mercenaries or an outside source we are unaware of.

The timing of my father’s death and his bannermen is no coincidence. My brother swore an oath to protect the people of IronHaven, and he’s failing.

Is he even aware of what’s going on right under his nose, or was this a part of his plan all along?

As if he can sense my thoughts, the door swings open and Ramiro steps into the room, slamming the door behind him. He raises a brow when he sees me sitting behind our father’s desk, papers scattered everywhere.

“Looking for something, little sis?”

Do I lie or ask the questions burning the tip of my tongue? I decide on the latter.

“Did you know our men were slaughtered?”

He chuckles, actually chuckles like the arrogant asshole he is. “You’ll have to be more specific. Our men die every day,little sister. Or have you been so consumed by your childish adventures you forgot?” he sneers.

Falling back into the chair, I study his features. His raven hair is longer than usual, and the dark circles under his eyes tell me that he isn’t sleeping much these days either.What’s bothering you, Rami? Is your conscience finally eating away at your tortured soul?

He narrows his gaze on me, waiting for my response.

“I know the sacrifice our men make for the sake of keeping our people safe. I’m referring to Lord Osbirth and other bannermen massacred in their sleep only a day’s ride from Windemere.”

He doesn’t look shocked, outraged, or appalled by this news. He knew, he knew and did nothing.

“This is the first I’m hearing of such a travesty. How did you come to know this information before the king? Are you sneaking off without my knowledge?”

“Don’t play games, Rami! Those were our men! Now they are gone. Do you feel no shame?” Guilt washes over him for a brief moment, but in the blink of an eye, it’s gone, leaving behind a soulless man that was once my brother.

He rounds the desk, snatching me up by my arm. His grip hurts, but I refuse to show him that. Holding my head high, I search his eyes for a trace of the boy I once loved.

His grip tightens, causing me to wince. I try to pull away from him, but he’s too strong.

“Don’t ever speak to me in that tone again. I’m your king now, Robyn. Whether you like it or not. I should have your head for that.” My head snaps back in shock. He actually threatened my life.

He clucks his tongue. Tilting his head to the side, he takes me in. “Don’t worry. That pretty little head of yours is safe right where it’s at. I have other plans for you, little sis.” The grin thatspreads across his face is diabolical. I shiver in his grasp, no longer able to contain my emotions.