Page 41 of Pretty Little Thief

He grabs my hand, takes off toward the stairs and doesn’t stop until we are outside.

We get out of earshot from anyone that may be looming around corners before he opens the stable door, shoving me inside. He looks to the stable boy. “Out. Now,” he shouts. The boy sprints out like his pants are on fire. Poor kid.

Before I can make a move, he’s crowding my space. “What the fuck was that? And where the fuck is Dom while you’re running around the castle by yourself,” he growls, making my insides clinch.

My tongue slips out running across my lips, and something snaps in him. He grabs my chin, stepping into my space. I retreat, but he follows until my back hits the wooden door. His eyes dart between mine. “Don’t be a tease, Princess,” he croons.

I don’t know why, maybe it’s the brat inside me, but my tongue darts out, licking my lips again.

His mouth crashes into mine, devouring me whole. My knees go weak, but he holds me tight against his body.

He pulls back, panting and placing his forehead on mine. “I’ve wanted to do that since the moment I closed the door last night.” I smile.He was thinking of me.

“Tris,” I whisper. “Dom needs us.”

He jerks back. I fill him in on what happened while he saddles his horse. He helps me up, then moves to grab a shovel before climbing behind me. This can’t be comfortable for him, but he doesn’t complain.

We ride to the spot where I left Dom. He’s there, posted up against a tree.

“I leave you two alone for five minutes and this is what happens,” Tristan chuckles, helping me off the horse.

I glance over and see Dom rolling his eyes as he pushes off the tree, moving toward us. “Took you long enough,” he sighs.

“Sorry. We-uh, got held up.” He eyes me, but I shrug.

We spend the next few hours digging a hole, burying a body, then eating dinner in my chambers. I can’t bear to sit with Rami and Mortianna for one more meal.

“How are you feeling?” Tristan asks. Dominic’s eyes fly to mine, waiting for a response.

“Honestly, numb. Things have been a whirlwind, and I haven’t had a moment to even catch my breath.” I break their stares and fall back onto my bed, closing my eyes. “Part of me is almost grateful. What if when it does hit me, I break?” Tears slide down my cheek. I’m as honest with them and myself as I can be.

“You won’t,” they say in unison. My eyes pop open to look at them.

“We won’t let you,” Tristan says.

“But if you do, we’ll put the pieces back together for you,” Dom says with confidence.

“I know I’m a brat sometimes, but the truth is, I’m lucky to have the four of you by my side. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

“We are the lucky ones, little bird,” Tristan says, and Dom nods his head in agreement.

A sense of calm and peace falls over me. We sit in silence until exhaustion pulls me under.




It’s been three days since Callum and Greyson left to find my father’s bannermen. Three days of pure torture not knowing if they are alive or hurt or even worse.

There’s been no word from them since they left, even though I know deep down that’s probably for the best. The queen dowager would most likely intercept any messages before they reached us anyway.

That doesn’t mean it makes the situation any less painful. My skin crawls with anticipation waiting for their return. I’m walking around in a constant state of anxiety, with fear and grief consuming me.

The guys have done their best to keep me busy, trying to take my mind off of things. It works for the most part.

Dom and I continue training in Blackwood Forest during the day, being more vigilant of our surroundings. During the night, Tristan and I scour the castle for answers, but we always come up empty-handed. Tristan took the queen dowager’s book and is looking into it, but every time I ask about it, he just shakes his head and changes the subject.