Page 57 of Pretty Little Thief

I quickly take a step back and plaster a smile on my face. “So nice to meet you, King Naveen.” His eyes narrow, and he frowns, looking me up and down like I disgust him.

He glances behind me to where my guard is patiently waiting, arching a brow.

Shit! This can’t be good.

I wrench my shaky palm from his grasp.

Rami steps forward, grabbing me by the arm and digging his filthy claws into me once again. He leans forward. “Don’t be a fool, Robyn. I can take the heads of everyone you care about inan instant. I’ll make you watch while I do it before I take yours too.”

He squeezes harder to see if I’ll react, but I don’t. I stand there frozen to my spot, looking bored and unfazed by his actions. When I don’t give him what he’s looking for, he finally releases me. “You’ll pay for that,” he sneers before walking away.

I shake my head at his futile attempts to break me. I suck in a deep breath and turn to King Naveen. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to make my rounds and greet our people.”

He nods as I move to leave him, his words slice through me. “We’ll have plenty of time together this evening... in my chambers.” He laughs, stalking off in the opposite direction of Rami.


They couldn’t just give me one day. One day to mourn my father in peace. I hate Rami, I hate him so much for doing this to me. I keep holding onto hope that the boy I once loved is in there, but he’s gone. I keep making excuses for him about being under my grandmother’s spell, but she’s been nowhere around the last two times I’ve seen him.


I take a quick glance around the room. She hasn’t been around in a few days.

She’s not here—at her own son’s funeral.

“Has anyone seen the queen dowager recently?” I ask.

The guys shake their heads while Cyra takes a quick glance around to see what I am searching for. “No, now that you mention it. I haven’t seen her since yesterday morning. Maybe she’s sick or doesn’t want to get out of bed.”

“Yeah, Cyra. Maybe she doesn’t want to attend her only child’s funeral.”

She shrugs, dropping her gaze to the floor. I turn to the guys. “Can one of you go check her chambers?” I hate asking themto leave, and as much as I need them all with me today, this is important. Something isn’t sitting right with me about this whole situation.

Dominic steps forward. “I’ll go, Princess. You guys stay close to her. I don’t like the way this is playing out.” He moves to step away, then glances back at me over his shoulder. “Don’t forget what I said.”

I give him a nod, and the tension he’s holding inside him releases as he walks off.

“Don’t forget what?” Cyra asks, suspiciously.

“It’s nothing,” I snap, unable to ignore the mocking sound of her voice.

“Didn’t sound likenothingto me. Sounds like you are keeping secrets... and with your guard no less. That’s not very wise, Princess.” She shakes her head disapprovingly.

“Cyra,” I warn, anger boiling under my skin. She’s my maiden for heaven-sake, and she has the nerve to question me. “What I do is none of your concern.”

She steps in front of me to look me in the eyes. “That’s where you’re wrong, Princess. My duty is to the king and IronHaven. King Ramiro has come to an arrangement with King Naveen, and if you are doing something that might jeopardize that agreement, then it is my business.” With that, she turns and leaves me standing with my mouth hanging open.


Who the hell does she think she is? I never would’ve thought in a million years she would have the courage to speak to me that way.

My body trembles with fury. This day is officially ruined. They took an already difficult day and made it worse, and I’m over all of it and them.

Someone presses a hand to my back, causing me to almost jump out of my skin. I glance behind me to see Callum. “Breathe, sunshine. Don’t let them affect you this way.”

I hear his words, the tenderness in his voice and in his touch, but the overwhelming guilt I’m feeling clouds my brain.

Spinning on my heels, I look at the guys, and my chest caves. I choke on the air in my lungs as my eyes begin to pool. Sweat beads along my skin as I start to panic.