Page 35 of Pretty Little Thief


Dominic wasn’t here when we arrived last night, so I crawled into bed and dozed off.

Why does he look so pissed?

Oh no!

Did Tristan tell him what happened? He must have, right? Why else would he look so grumpy this early in the morning?

I don’t move. We are locked in a stare down. He lets out a heavy sigh, running his hand through his hair. “Get up. Get dressed. We need to train.” He stomps over to the bed, throwing the covers back.

My eyes pop out of my head, relieved by his words. So Tristan didn’t tell him what happened between us. Good to know.

I peek around Dominic to see if Tristan is nearby, but there’s no one here except him. My shoulders fall with disappointment, and I let out a sigh.

“Umm, good morning to you, too,” I spout with irritation, doing as he asked. “Is Cyra coming?”

He walks back to the door with a shake of his head. “No. I think you can manage to dress by yourself, Princess.” I shoot him a look, but he just waves his hands, shooing me along. “Hurry it up, we don’t have all day.” He rolls his eyes, mocking me.

He’s always been demanding, but today it gets me riled up.

Where’s the man that comforted me yesterday in this very room? Was he replaced with a body-snatching demon?

“Dominic, maybe you forgot,ormaybe you got hit in the head and don’t remember, either way, my father is dead. Therefore, no need to keep up with this charade,” waving my hand around stating the obvious.

His order to train me is no longer valid. My precious father is gone, and I’m not dumb. There’s no way Rami will allow me to continue sharpening my skills, it would make him look weak, especially once his guest arrives.

If anything, he wants me to be a doe-eyed, useless girl, depending on him or my future husband for everything.

“Even more reason for you to continue training. Your life is no longer your own. You are at the mercy of the king now. Which king is still to be decided,” he replies, rudely and condescendingly.

With that, he turns to leave, closing me in this hollow room. This was once my safe place—a place for me to be free. Now it feels like more of a cell, and I’m waiting on my sentencing to be passed down.

The realization hits me hard.

My father is no longer here to love and protect me.

I’m on my own now.

Soon my life will belong to another. If my brother has his way, then I’ll be married as soon as King Naveen arrives. If the rumors are true, I’m about to embark on a cold and lonely path.

Darkness will be my only friend. So I might as well learn to embrace it.

My guards will no longer be by my side. Home will be a foreign land with strangers that hold no loyalty to me or my family.

I can feel the self-pity rising to the surface. Nope. I won’t allow that to happen.

Quickly dressing, I prepare myself for another grueling day, but today will be different. I need them to push me harder than ever before. My skills need to be on point.

Feeling sorry for myself won’t get me anywhere. These men are offering me something no other woman in IronHaven will ever receive.

A chance to defend herself.

Pride washes over me.I promise to be everything you wanted, Father.

No one is coming to rescue me. I’ll have to fight my own battles from here on out.

The Blackwood Forest feels eerie this morning. Something about it feels off, wrong, or even dangerous. I can’t quite put my thumb on it.