Page 55 of Stone Cold Fox

The black and the white and everything gray.

The future is finally mine.

What’s another scar on my heart?

Do I even have one?

I take the glass, I leave the bottle of gin, I grab my bag and I go.


I LOOK UPat the door on the second floor. I stand in the parking lot. I wonder if she’s still alive. I wonder how much longer she has left. The tears have stopped. Everything has stopped. Time. I wonder why I no longer feel any fear or sadness. Nor do I feel any regret.

I only feel free.

I’m free from my creator, I’m out from her enormous shadow that would keep me in the dark with her, only letting me in the light on the shortest of leashes, always wrapped tightly around my neck. Not quite strangling me, but close enough.

She would never have let me go.

I tell myself that over and over. And over again.

It had to be done.

I’m not hers anymore.

I’m not her bunny.

I’m not a fucking bunny at all.

Now I can be anything I want to be.

Not like Mother.

Not like Seamus.

Not even like Dean.

But like Francis.

Filthy fucking rich.

Because money is power.

Only then would I be safe, secure, untouchable.

I wanted it all and I knew how to get it.

She taught me that much.

I could do the rest alone.

So where would I begin?



I WAS OFFICIALLYMrs.Collin Case, but I couldn’t stop scanning my wedding reception for Dave Bradford. I decided that we needed to meet again, to fully satiate my curiosity, and then this infatuation would have to end.Permanently.