Page 36 of Stone Cold Fox

“That’s sweet,” Calliope said, albeit skeptically. “Isn’t that sweet, Mom?”

“Very. Nora and Royce will be touched, too.”

“I cannot wait to meet your parents, Gale,” I said to her. “It will be so nice to get to know each other better through this experience.” She still hadn’t uttered a word or formally accepted my invitation.

“Marcy and I already got started on the guest lists for the shower and the wedding. We can review them together soon,” Haven said to me.

Gale’s lips parted. She was about to speak. Something had compelled her.Finally. Where was my girl?

“Are you inviting the Bradfords?” Gale asked Haven, but she was looking at me as if the question were a mysterious trump card, ready to play when the moment was ripe. This was the first I’d heard of the Bradfords, but by the way she said it, I knew it wouldn’t be the last. Haven looked deep in thought at Gale’s question. It was clearly controversial.

“Hmm, we should probably discuss that with Collin before making a decision.”

“I agree it should be run by him, but I don’t see how you could omit the Bradfords from the guest list,” Gale said to Haven. “It’s Collin’swedding.”

“It’s not Mr.and Mrs.Bradford that she’s worried about,” Chloe said cryptically.

“Who are the Bradfords?” I asked, taking the bait.

“Friends ofourfamilies,” said Gale, accentuating the pronoun in an attempt to hurt me. “Were they on the list for the engagement party, Haven? I noticed they weren’t there.”

“Alan and Pippa were in Europe for weeks at the start of the summer so we didn’t formally invite them, but they know of the engagement. I didn’t think to include David in their absence and Collin didn’t correct me when he reviewed the list.”

“The boys definitely won’t want Dave at the wedding. Thegirls, however...” Calliope erupted into laughter and Chloe joined in. Gale remained stone-faced, laser focused on me.

“Calliope, stop that right now,” Haven chided Calliope.

“I know, I know. I’m just saying. Come on, Mom. You know I’m right.”

“It’s not the boys’ weddings, though,” Gale said. “It’s Collin’s. It won’t look good if the Bradfords aren’t invited. It won’t look good at all.”

“I suppose not,” Haven agreed.

“There’s always the possibility that Dave might not even come. He’s always traveling,” Chloe said.

“Davealwayscomes,” Calliope said, adding quickly, “to parties. Events. Weddings. If he’s invited, he’ll make it a point to be there.”

I was getting supremely annoyed that I wasn’t in the know about this person, but I couldn’t let on and give Gale the satisfaction. Luckily, Wren did my dirty work for me. “Who’s Dave?” she asked, then hopefully added, “And is he single?”

“Perpetually, and that’s on purpose,” Chloe said.

“I think you’ll really like him, Bea.” Gale scrunched her nose at me.

“Gale,” Haven said under her breath before taking another sip of her cocktail.

“He’s betting on it, I’m sure. Going four for four.” Calliope giggled.

“What will I like about him, Gale?” I asked her outright.

“I just think you’ll get a kick out of him, that’s all.” She grinned.

“She means Dave’s a bit of a lady-killer,” Haven said, which made Chloe and Calliope laugh out loud, splashing some of their drinks.

“That’s putting it mildly! Dave’s a total manwhore,” Calliope said. “He got around with some of the boys’ wives and girlfriends, and at this point nobody is friends with him anymore. Well, except for Gale.”

“That’s only because he doesn’t want to sleep with her,” Chloe pointed out, much to my delight.

“I don’t want to sleep with him either,” Gale said, defending her honor. “Look, say what you want about Dave Bradford, but he’s one of us. That means something and Collin knows that, too.”