Page 62 of Kings & Corruption

I blinked when the light nearest the door came on by itself.

Fuck. I hadn’t thought about the fact that the lights were on a motion sensor. I would have to hurry and get settled well before the guys came into the garage.

I took a few seconds to slip on my boots and hurried past the smaller cars. I was betting whatever the guys were up to at night, they were up to together.

That meant the Hummer, even though I had no idea why Neo didn’t like the smaller cars.

I opened the hatch and cursed when I realized there was nothing to give me cover. All the blankets from Game Night had been taken into the house. There wasn’t so much as a gym bag back there, which made sense when I thought about the fact that it seemed to be Neo’s car.

Like everything in his life, the Hummer was immaculate.

I reconsidered my plan, my eyes darting to the other cars. I could try to follow them, but that seemed stupid. The house was isolated, and Blackwell Falls wasn’t exactly a metropolis.

Plus, I had zero experience tailing someone. I wasn’t dumb enough to think I’d be any good at it.

I climbed into the back of the Hummer. I would have to take my chances and hope they didn’t open the hatch.

I curled up in the back and exhaled my relief when the lights in the garage went off a minute later.

I settled in to wait, the garage quiet, a perfect cocoon isolated from the rest of the house. I was starting to think I’d made a mistake — maybe the guys weren’t going anywhere after all — when one of the lights came on.

I heard Rock’s voice first. “I’m just saying, we’re going to have to tell her eventually.”

I froze, wondering what they were talking about, and this time it was Neo who spoke, his voice louder now that they were closer to the Hummer.

“We’ve been over this. It’s too soon,” he said.

They were right on top of the Hummer now, and I held my breath, willing them to justget in the fucking car already.

Except that’s not what happened next. What happened next was that the hatch flew open, and I had a front row seat to the brief expression of surprise on Neo’s face before it turned murderous.

“What thefuck?”

“What?” Rock’s voice was distant, but a second later his face appeared next to Neo’s, followed by Oscar’s, his camera in one hand.

I sat up, more annoyed by my loss of dignity than the fact that I’d been discovered. “You won’t tell me anything!”

Oscar looked mildly disappointed, which bothered me more than it should have. “That’s no excuse, tiger. This could have been dangerous for you.”

“I’m not some kind of fainting virgin who needs to be kept safe from the world,” I said. “I’ve actually been out in it. Alone. And I did just fine.”

Rock held up a finger. “One, glad to hear about the virgin thing. I prefer a girl with experience.” He held up another finger. “Two, we know you’re a strong person, Willa. But you have no idea what you could be getting into sneaking into one of our cars, especially this time of night.”

I crossed my arms over my chest. “Then why don’t you tell me?”

“Out,” Neo said, standing back to give me room to exit the Hummer. He’d changed into black track pants and a black T-shirt, and he looked even bigger and more menacing from my position on my ass in the Hummer. “Get out and go back in the house.”

“No,” I said. What was he going to do? Murder me? “I’m not yours to order around.”

His face turned red, the nerve in his jaw jumping until I thought his head might explode. “So help me, Jezebel, if you don’t get out of the car, I’m going to throw you over my shoulder and carry you back into the house.”

The threat should have scared me — he really did look to be on the verge of violence — but instead I had a flash of Neo’s hand on my ass.

Spanking my ass, that is.

I didn’t hate the image. Like, at all. In fact, my panties were wet, and a persistent throbbing had started in my pussy.

“Either you explain where you’re going, or you take me with you,” I said.