Page 134 of Kings & Corruption

"Rock made you some food and tea in case you're hungry," Oscar said.

He set the tray on the nightstand and handed me the mug of tea, then lowered himself to the mattress next to my legs.

Now that some time had passed, I was even more horrified that I’d puked all over the kitchen floor and left the Kings to clean it up.

Not exactly a sexy end to the hot night I’d shared with Oscar.

I took a careful sip of tea. “Hmmm…”

“Ginger,” Oscar said. “Rock said it’ll calm your stomach.”

I cradled the mug in my hands. “I’m sorry about the mess.”

He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. “Don’t be.” He grinned. “Neo cleaned it up.”

I almost spit out my second sip of tea. “Neo? Did you have to promise him the blood of my firstborn child?”

Oscar shook his head. “He offered.”

I frowned. “I just… I don’t get it.”

“Get what?”

“He’ssucha bastard sometimes. Most of the time,” I said. “It really seems like he hates me, but then he goes and does or says something nice and I start to feel like I’m crazy.”

Oscar smiled. “You’re not crazy, but Neo doesn’t hate you. I told you that already.”

“Right, but his attitude toward me contradicts you every day.”

“Neo is just… complicated.” Oscar hesitated, like he was choosing his words carefully. “He’s been through a lot.”

Roberto Alinari was an asshole, no doubt about it. I had a vague memory of hearing that he’d abused Neo, that the abuse was why Neo’s mom had left when he was little, and I had no doubt that having Roberto for a father had been no picnic.

But the rest of us hadn’t had it easy either. No one did in our world.

I thought about Rock’s mom, who’d died of cancer, and Oscar’s brother, whose suicide was considered such a sign of weakness that the family had made up a lie to explain his death.

“He can join the club,” I said. “That doesn’t give him an excuse for being a dick.”

“There’s more to it,” Oscar said.

“So enlighten me,” I said. I was tired of feeling one step behind the Kings.

“Not my story to tell, tiger.” He stood and kissed the top of my head. “Text us if you need anything else.”

I set the mug down and picked up the stacks of books — three that were on my wish list. “Wait… How did you know I wanted these? How did you even know I like to read?”

I hadn’t been reading as much since I’d arrived at Aventine, and definitely not in front of the Kings.

“You posted pictures of the books you read on social media,” he said like it was obvious. “And the books were easy, I just looked at your wish list online.”

He was almost out the door when I thought of something else. “What time are we leaving for the Orpheum?”

It was Saturday. That meant Neo had a fight, and I’d already been told in no uncertain terms that I’d be attending so the Kings could keep an eye on me.

“We’re not,” Oscar said. “Fight’s been canceled.”

I raised my eyebrows. “Neo must be taking that well,” I said, my voice thick with sarcasm.