Page 122 of Kings & Corruption

For now.

“I like it here,” I said.

She smiled. “There’ll always be a place for you here. You’re one of us. And speaking of which,” she said, clearly switching gears, “I realized we’ve never been out!”

I laughed. “That’s true. Although we did party at the welcome ball.”

“I meanout,” she said, her eyes shining. “Off campus.”

“Ohhh!” I said, like I was finally getting it. “You want to gooutout!”

“It’s October and I haven't even been to Ruby’s yet,” she said.


“It’s a club in town,” Quinn said. “They have an awesome DJ on the weekends.”

“Sounds fun,” I said noncommittally. The Kings wouldn’t even let me walk to class alone. They definitely weren’t going to let me party with Claire. Unless…

“Saturday?” Claire said. “We can do a girls’ night.”

“Define ‘girls’ night,” I said.

“No boys?” Erin said from across the table.

“It’s just that the Kings have been really weird since that thing at the quarry.” I felt stupid saying it, both because I hated being the center of attention and because I didn’t want to admit how entangled I’d become with the Kings.

“Well,” Claire said, “it’s not like there won’t be other guys at Ruby’s.”

“Yeah, just tell them to give us some space,” Erin said.

“They’ll probably be too busy holding court with all the girls who want to fuck them to pay attention to us anyway,” Quinn said.


“I can’t Saturday,” I said. The guys had made it clear I was going to the next fight at the Orpheum. “But Friday would work.”

Claire beamed. “Friday it is!”

I was almost excited to tell the guys. They were going to be furious.

“Miss Russo?”

I turned toward the voice and was surprised to find a slim older woman staring at me intently. “Yes?”

“Dean Giordana would like to see you in his office.”

“Um… yeah. Sure.” I shrugged at Claire for show, but the blood was roaring in my ears.

Was I about to get pinched for stealing the medals?

I stood and caught Neo’s eye. I was sure his expression was impassive to anyone looking, but I was starting to know him.

Starting to read the look in his eyes.

And right now it said. Chin up, Jezebel.

I stood straighter and followed the woman out of the cafeteria.