Page 136 of Kings & Corruption

Plus, I was starting to feel like anyone I talked to was in danger, and I wasnotdoing that to Mara or to anyone else. Not after what had happened to Nikki.

“I don’t know,” I said. “It’s definitely weird.”

I felt like a total asshole for playing dumb, but it was for Mara’s own good.

“You should go home, Willa. I don’t like this.”

“I don’t have a home.” I didn't realize how true it was until I said it. Our house had been sold when my mom moved into Roberto Alinari’s garish mansion.

Not exactly a welcome refuge.

“Come stay with me then,” Mara said, her eyes pleading.

“At the dorm?” I shook my head. “No offense, but no thanks. I’m fine here. Really.” I forced a smile even though it was the last thing I felt like doing. “Believe me, if you saw how protective the Kings are, you wouldn’t be worried.”


It had worked. Now she was interested.

“Really,” I said. “They won’t even let me walk to class alone.”

“All of them?” she asked with a suggestive lift of her eyebrows.

“They take turns,” I said. “Well, Rock and Oscar take turns. Neo still hates me.”

Oscar’s words drifted through my mind.He’s the one who canceled it.

Mara grinned, and I suddenly missed her fiercely. “Two out of three isn’t bad. And you’re calling Drago by his first name now. What, pray tell, does that mean?”

I straightened and fluffed my hair. “I’ve been calling him Oscar almost since the beginning,” I said innocently.

“So you haven’t slept with him? Or Rock? Or both of them?” she asked.

I looked at my phone. “I didn’t say that.”

“Oh my god, youbitch!” she said. “Tell me everything.”

“I’d love to but they’re waiting for me with dinner,” I said. “Let’s just say if you ever want to know what if feels like to get fucked by a gorgeous guy with a shitload of dick piercings, I’m your girl.”

She squealed. “I knew it! Good for you. And also, you lucky bitch.”

I laughed. “I was definitely feeling pretty… lucky. Among other things.”

“Is Rock on the menu too?” she asked. The pierced dick detail had made it clear I’d slept with Oscar.

“He is very definitely on the menu,” I said. “I just haven’t had a chance to partake. And it’s kind of…weirdliving in the same house with all of them.”

“I say sample every course, girl!” Mara said. “When in Rome right?”

My phone buzzed with a text from Rock.

Food will be here soon gorgeous.

“I have to go,” I said. “Dinner’s almost here and I’m starving.”

I hadn’t had time to tell her about getting hammered last night and then being sick in the Kings’ kitchen.

“Fine,” she sighed. “Go back to your exciting life of luxury with the three hottest guys in the family.”