This cut to the heart of the matter and, by the look on her face, I could see that she realized it too. She looked at the clothes I had given her, although there was still a skeptical look upon her face.

“And what is it that we’re hunting,” she asked.


“What’s a ‘gonshu’? is that like the animals I fought before.”

I cracked a smile at this. The thought of comparing Gonshu to a normal beast was laughable. “Gonshu is one of the beasts of the world. Before the lions took control of the world, it was a chaotic place, filled with all kinds of animals, some stronger than others. But there were also monsters. There is one in each region of the world, and they used to run amok, taking what they wanted, killing indiscriminately. But, over time, the pride drove them back into their lairs, defeating them time and time again until they learned that they were not the strongest in Orestes. They bow to us now, but every season, they come out in search of food, and the great hunt must be performed to drive them back, for if they should ever believe that there is a chance to attack the world again, they will. Gonshu’s time is near.”

“Right, okay,” Kara said.

“I know you do not believe me, but this is the way of Orestes. Gonshu has claimed the lives of many lions. Only the Alpha can hunt him, and many Alphas have died trying. Axanar is putting himself in danger for the sake of the pride, because that is the duty of the Alpha.”

“And what happens if Axanar dies then? Do you become Alpha?”

“There will be a contest of strength, a fight to see who is the strongest. They shall become Alpha. I’m not sure that I could fight if Axanar would die.”

“Then maybe I’ll just stay here and wait for him to die, then fight for it myself. How about that? I could be the Alpha of this pride” she said. I knew that she was half joking, but it was clear she did not know what she was getting herself into.

“Such a matter should not be spoken of lightly. To hunt Gonshu requires great strength and fortitude, as well as patience. You will need to learn to wield all manner of weapons, and you will also need to learn the terrain. Gonshu is a cunning monster and many a lion has fallen. This is not like the hunt you went on by yourself. Being included in the great hunt is an honor.”

“I think Axanar just wants to keep me close by, so I don’t run away again,” Kara said.

“He wants to see your potential,” I replied. “I know you may not believe this, but he does not hate you, he just wants the best for the pride. All Alphas should want the same thing. It is what sets them apart from the rest of us.”

“Well, I’m not sure he really is focused on what’s best for the pride, but I guess, if he’s going to drag me out there, then I might as well go of my own accord. When are we setting out?”

“It will not be for weeks yet. The great hunt approaches, but first you must prepare.”

“Weeks?” her eyes bulged, almost looking as though they were going to pop out of her head. “I can’t wait here for weeks!”

“You must train. You must learn how to fight.”

She shook her head vehemently. “I’m not going to do this. I need to get back. I have no idea what’s happened to my parents. I can’t wait here for weeks.”

“Whatever happened to your parents has already happened. If they are safe, then they will be able to remain so for weeks, and if not, then you leaving is not going to change their fate. You need to find some way to tap into your power, Kara, and perhaps the great hunt can stimulate some inspiration. This is a way for you to convince Axanar that you are more than you seem. Do you even understand what the worst fate you can suffer is? The danger is that he will see you as nothing more than a normal woman, and then you will be cast down to live as a normal lion, never being given the privilege of any special attention, and you will have to live your days out here with us. You will never be able to make it home.”

As I looked at her, I began to think that, perhaps, it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world should she stay here and be forced to live as one of us. Perhaps she would become used to the idea and even become open to the idea of falling in love. If she was ordinary, then Axanar would not wish to spend time with her, and so she would be free to be claimed.

Time would have to pass to see whether that was the case though, and with how despondent she looked at what I just said, I feared that if she could never return home then she would take her own life.

“Let’s get started then. The sooner I get to go on this great hunt, the better,” she mumbled. I left her to get dressed and then, when she emerged, I led her outside. She looked sullen, but she strode beside me, and I vowed privately to do all I could to prepare her for what was to come. Gonshu awaited, and he would not take mercy on her, for he would not care that she was new to this world.

Chapter Seventeen


Weeks had passed. I had been trained harder than ever before. I spent most of the day out in the plains of Orestes with Volkan, skulking through the world, hunting and training with various weapons. My muscles ached and I was a frequent visitor to the baths, relieved that they existed so I could soothe the deep pain that was right in the core of my muscles. When we weren’t outside, he was showing me maps of the jungle so that I might familiarize myself with the territory. When I asked him why he didn’t just take me into the jungle to see for myself, he told me that it was close to Gonshu rising, so we could not risk it. If he got our scent, then he would come out and attack us, and he would be unable to defend me. Apparently, only Axanar could do that.

I didn’t like this whole hero worship thing they had going around Axanar. He was only the Alpha after all. I thought they took some of their traditions far too seriously, although I did not speak about this too much because Volkan became agitated whenever I did so. I had to admit that Volkan was akin to a friend. He seemed to be genuinely concerned about me and, since we spent a lot of time together, I learned a lot about him, and he was naturally curious about the world I had journeyed from as well. According to him, he and Axanar had always been close. They were more like brothers than anything else, and I lamented the fact that I had been an only child.

“Was there anyone you were close with?” he asked.

I thought of Stevie but, in truth, I didn’t really feel close to him. We were together because it was convenient, but we never shared secrets or personal desires or anything else really.

“No, the truth is that I’ve never been close with anyone.”

“Why not?”