“I’m not sure. I thought about it. I didn’t want to leave Mom and Dad though, and to be honest, I’ve never had a talent that I could excel at. If I went into the human world, then I would have just disappeared. I would have stayed where I was, if it wasn’t for the Night Fangs. But I’m here, and you say that means I’m special. If that’s true, then I want to know how I’m special. I want to know what I can do, because up until this moment, I haven’t ever been told this. So please, will you help me learn? It’s not as though we’re really doing anything wrong; we’re only going for a walk, you’re only sharing your wisdom with me, isn’t that your job?”

I could see from her expression that Tania was wrestling with the possibility. It must have been difficult for her to be under the thrall of a man like Axanar, and I sensed that she had much knowledge that she wanted to put to use. If she had spent all her life studying the old stories, then she must have been curious about me, and to see whether I really was who they thought I was.

“I suppose it would not hurt to have a quick look. After all, you have proven yourself in the hunt,” she said. “But you promise you will not try to escape? If anything happened, Axanar would not fail to punish me.”

I shuddered to think what Axanar thought of as a punishment. “I won’t. I just want to learn something more about myself. I might as well do that while I’m here,” I replied, offering her a smile. She nodded and rose, then went to the door, opening it to check that nobody was guarding it. As she walked towards the door, I rose out of the bath, the water trickling down my naked body. I was actually a little sad to leave the soft comfort of the bath as it had been relaxing, and my muscles certainly felt better for it. However, I couldn’t miss this opportunity. I quickly dried myself with a towel and then pulled a gown around myself, fastening the binding tightly.

We walked outside, our steps brisk. Tania giggled with nervous laughter. “I haven’t done anything like this since I was a child,” she whispered. I gritted my teeth, hating that I had lied to her. If I had the chance, then I was going to get out of here. From what I understood they couldn’t walk through worlds, so, if I managed to make it through the doorway, then they would not be able to follow, and I would be alone.


I hadn’t really thought of what that word meant before. I had never been alone in all my life. Even here, there were lions all around me, who understood me more than regular humans. But back in the other world, I would have to return to my pride, a barren place now, for any survivors would have fled somewhere else, somewhere safe. But was there any place safe from the Night Fangs? Fear crawled through me like an insect as I thought about facing them again. An entire pride could not stand against them, so what hope did I have? I wanted revenge, but how was I going to get it?

The first thing I had to do was find out what happened to my parents. I couldn’t bear thinking about the worst, so I convinced myself that they were still alive. After all, I hadn’t actually seen them die. They could be sly when they wanted. They might have been able to slip away.

“What are you doing here? Axanar did not approve this,” Marrin said, trying to look stern, although his young face belied his authority. I recognized him from the first moment I had slipped through the doorway, although I had not seen him since.

“I am the wisdom and I approve it,” Tania said, in her most regal tone. She held her head high and looked down upon Marrin with a haughty gaze. Marrin looked uneasy, shifting his weight between his feet and averting his gaze to the side.

“I really think I should wait for Axanar’s approval,” Marrin said weakly.

“Axanar wants to know the limits of Kara’s power. Do you really wish to delay that? If you want to go and interrupt him with this matter, then you are free to, but you know what Axanar is like when he is interrupted with menial matters,” Tania said.

Marrin gulped and his face lost a shade of color. He considered the matter for a moment and then nodded. Tania breathed a sigh of relief and shot me a look when Marrin turned his back.

“It’s just through here,” he said, and then led us to the shrine. I hadn’t been able to get a good look at the place when I emerged here, but it was like a reflection of the ruins on the side of my world. I saw similar patterns carved on the bricks. This place was far older than the tower above it. Against the rear wall was a carved shrine, depicting a lion. Marrin walked up to it and placed his hands against it, straining to pull it aside to reveal the path behind. He grunted and groaned, and I waited, knowing that as soon as the door was revealed to me, I was going to rush through and leave this place behind. If I had gotten into this place once, then I was damned sure that I could get back out of it.

I had to.

It was my only hope of finding my parents.

Chapter Twelve


The rich taste of meat swam over my tongue. My pride was in good cheer after the bounty that had been brought back by Kara. Wagers had been won, and a pyre crackled, the smell of meat filling the air. I was lost in thought though. Perhaps she was truly a world walker with power inside that even she was not aware of. To succeed this well at a hunt was impressive, and I could not deny that.

“Still willing to toss her aside?” Volkan asked idly as he sauntered up to me, a wide grin on his face.

I arched an eyebrow. “What she did was impressive. I have no trouble admitting that.”

“So, you’re ready to start believing that she is a world walker then?”

“I believe that she could have something to offer this pride. To kill that many beasts shows not only strength, but cunning as well. These are qualities that we can always use. Qualities that are admirable.”

“So, she’s going to stay?”

I stroked my chin. “I have been thinking on this matter actually. If she does have the power of a world walker inside her, then I believe that she has been brought back here for a reason. I have been thinking recently that we have conquered this world, but there are so many others waiting out there for us,” I looked to the sky, gazing at the dusting of stars overhead. “The only thing that prevents us from traveling to them is the knowledge that has been lost over the generations. If she is here, then she could help us march towards new challenges, to find new enemies to fight, and if that is the case, then she would be a worthy mate.”

“A mate?” Volkan asked. I smirked at him.

“Do you not think the children of the Alpha and a world walker would make for fine lions?”

“Of course, Axanar, I just didn’t think that you felt that way about her.”

I waved my hand dismissively. “Feelings do not matter in this arena. An Alpha must do what is good for the pride, and siring powerful children is necessary. I will have her and then, if she still wishes to leave, she can. If we can have children who hold that power inside them, then they can walk through the worlds. We will have no need for her.”

“Of course,” Volkan said, bowing his head, although I noticed there was some hesitation in his voice.