Page 58 of Shifter Island

Gabriel whistled. “It seems Victor never changed the password combination. Which means he never opened the safe.” He put his hand inside. “Opening it wouldn’t have done him much good anyway. The only thing in here is the key to free the prisoners.”

Gabriel showed us a small translucent crystal, inside which purple magic swirled. He closed the few steps between Hanny and himself.

“I don’t know if this is going to work on your collar as well...” He started, unsure if he should put the device to his sister’s collar.

“Try it,” Hanny shrugged.

Gabriel put the crystal against Hanny’s collar. With a soft click, it opened and fell to the ground, Hanny not bothering to catch it. The object clanged when it hit the floor.

Hanny put her hands to her neck and massaged the bruises. She had tears in her eyes again. She hugged Gabriel and sobbed quietly. Gabriel patted her back until she felt she was ready to face the world again.

We made our way back upstairs. In the throne room, Oswaldo and Kella stood above Victor’s dead body.

“Good job,” Kella smiled brightly. “You’ve won.”

“We will listen to your suggestion,” Gabriel replied, “and declare our rule over Isla Paraiso.”

Oswaldo opened his mouth to say something but before he could, Gabriel continued. “But we discovered the way to get rid of the ex-convicts’ prisoner implants. So if anybody doesn’t want to live in the world we will build, they are free to leave.”

Oswaldo closed his mouth. The wrinkle between his brows disappeared. “Alright. Don’t mind me, but I will be leaving. How does the process work?”

“I need to put this crystal against your neck,” Gabriel showed Oswaldo the magical crystal.

The other Alpha nodded. “Try me.”

Gabriel stepped closer to him and put the crystal against his neck. We felt the magic surge then disappear for a moment, leaving the crystal glowing with purple light.

“I feel lighter…” Oswaldo said, his voice full of wonder. “More… free…”

“Don’t let it get to your head,” Kella laughed. “I’m next.”

Gabriel freed Kella too. After her, a line of ex-convicts formed in the throne room, and we opened the shackles of everyone who had been part of the fight. The ones who had stayed behind to protect the villages would have to travel here to get their implants removed later.

Finally, when the process was over and everyone was gathered in the throne room, Gabriel, Daphne, Hanny and I stood on the podium on which the throne had once been, back when the Torres had ruled as nobles.

Gabriel addressed the crowd. “From now on Isla Paraiso is under Torres rule again. We will strive to do our best to make the island a ‘paradise’ as the name indicates. A true paradise, one where everyone is free to make their own choices and to leave if they want. You will of course have to obey our laws, but they will be just. Together we will form one sleuth, one family, and continue living in prosperity. That I promise you, as the Alpha of Isla Paraiso, Gabriel Torres.”

“And so do I as the Alpha of Isla Paraiso, Esteban Torres,” I added.

The people gathered in the hall clapped and cheered. Today we had made history. This change would mark the start of a new chapter for the island, and hopefully from now on the lives of its inhabitants would be free of pain and fear. We would strive to make everyone’s wish for a real paradise come true. Until the end of our days we would rule fairly – Gabriel, myself, and our mate Daphne at our sides. The three of us were a complete group; a family.



“Raise your hands!” Hanny commanded me in her sing-song happy voice.

I obliged her, and she helped me put on the pink and blue colorful dress with a wide skirt. The garment molded to my figure like a glove, which of course also meant that my stomach was very pronounced.

I was, after all, in my 5th month with my mates’ child. I didn’t know what sex the baby would be; we didn’t have a proper hospital on the island, so there was no way to check but I knew enough about the child to be able to say it was an energetic, rowdy small bear. He kicked me often, and I was having various weird cravings while carrying him.

So far I thought the baby was most likely a boy. I might end up proven wrong though, and I wouldn’t mind. Boy or girl, all that mattered was that it was Esteban’s and Gabriel’s child, born out of our love.

“You’re awfully deep in thought today,” Hanny commented. “Sit down, I will fix up your hair next.” and so she did, combing the strands of my long, straight brown hair into a peaceful waterfall that fell down my back. Next came the make-up. I sat as still as I could, but even so I felt a bit uncomfortable with someone else doing it for me. Earlier though, Hanny had been so insistent about assisting me in the preparations that I hadn’t been able to say no.

In the past six months, since Gabriel and Esteban had taken over Isla Paraiso, Hanny and I had grown very close together. We talked often, and she taught me about accounting and administrative tasks so that we could both be Gabriel’s assistants for ruling over our island. Esteban became head of security, and he was often out in the field. The roles Gabriel and Esteban had weren’t that different from the ones they had occupied in Santuario, just bigger in scale.

Jaime and Hender had officially become my mates’ Betas and taken over leading Santuario. Kella had become a Beta too, and most of the Starry Banes had remained on the island, accepting Gabriel’s and Esteban’s rule. They still lived in their village by the lake.