Page 44 of Shifter Island

“I am usually. Until someone pisses me off so royally that I wish for them to die.”

Daphne nodded. “It’s natural for an Alpha to be a little more aggressive.”

I stared at her. Did she really mean that? “How can you excuse me for having such a flaw?”

“Because you would never do anything to hurt me. I know that and if you need, I can be at your side, calming you when your nerves get the better of you.” She gave me a soft, reassuring smile.

“That’s what Gabriel has been doing all along. His voice calms me down.”

“Maybe I can be an anchor for you too; making you stop when you don’t want to go any further.”

I stepped in closer to Daphne and took her in my arms. Next to her ear I whispered, “I’m sorry for being this way. For being this… flawed.”

Daphne patted my back. “You don’t need to be sorry. I am flawed too but we don’t need to be perfect to love each other, do we?”

I let go of her to gaze in her eyes. “Love?” I whispered the word.

“Yes,” she gave me the brightest smile I’d ever seen on her face. “Despite your flaws or because of them, I love you, Esteban.”

Tears welled up in my eyes. Daphne wiped away a stray tear that fell down my cheek. She continued smiling.

“I love you too,” I confessed. I spoke the truth. I absolutely adored Daphne.

Daphne leaned in closer to me, and our lips connected. I turned our kiss more heated, exploring her lips then plunging my tongue inside her mouth. She moaned when I kissed her so deeply and clung to my arm.

“There’s nobody else here.” We heard a man’s voice.

We let go of each other and looked to the side. Jaime stood there, a big happy grin plastered on his face.

“But it doesn’t look like you two care. You guys better go back to the village and get Daphne’s hand treated. I will continue hunting on my own,” Jaime said.

We looked at each other and couldn’t stop the chuckling that followed. I felt so stupidly happy knowing that Daphne loved me back.

Jaime shook his head and turned around. He shifted back into his bear form and took off with a growl.

I took Daphne’s hand, and we marched back to Santuario. Hopefully the whole village wouldn’t be awake yet, so we could sneak inside in our unclothed state. Jay, the healer, wouldn’t be happy to see Daphne’s wounds reopened. But she would have to deal with the situation.

Chapter Twenty-Two


“Folks, I have a crazy idea,” Gabriel put the soda can aside and clapped his hands.

Esteban, Gabriel and I were sitting in the guys’ living room, relaxing after another day in Santuario. My right hand was bandaged, and I had been forbidden from doing any work. I didn’t agree with that notion though, so I had joined Yoselin in the kitchen. She had wanted to throw me out at first, but with a bit of convincing she had given me small tasks I could do with one hand.

When Esteban returned from a patrol, he found me and escorted me away from the kitchen. He ended up depositing me in the living room of Gabriel’s and his house. My appearance pulled Gabriel out of his office, and he decided to leave off work for the day as well. Now we were all sitting together with cans of soda and snacks.

“When don’t you have crazy ideas?” Esteban said in such a bored tone, but I saw the glint in his eyes. He was intrigued as to what Gabriel had come up with.

“This one might just work,” Gabriel munched on a chip.

“What is it? Don’t leave us hanging!” I rushed him.

Gabriel chuckled. “The biggest difference between us and Victor, what’s preventing us from going after him directly, is that he has more people. He outnumbers us more than two to one.”

Gabriel paused dramatically; we waited for him to go on while we continued eating our snacks. If this matter hadn’t been such a serious one, I would have enjoyed the drama.

Just when I was about to tell him off for his theatrics, Gabriel continued.