Page 42 of Shifter Island

“When you approached me at first, I took you for another skirt-chaser. Someone who gets women to fall into his lap easily,” Daphne said.

“That’s the truth though. I am someone like that – someone who thinks with his dick. Even when I came after you, it was because of the attraction I felt towards you. It wasn’t a conscious choice at first. I didn’t examine why I wanted you. Why was it you, not someone else, who I wanted as a mate,” I confessed, feeling every bit like the asshole I was.

Daphne arched an eyebrow. “But that changed?”

“Yes, quickly. You pushed me away, but I didn’t want to relent. I approached you again and again and the more I did, the more I saw what kind of person you are: kind, hard-working and smart. You weren’t just a pretty face to me anymore. You were Daphne. The one I loved.” I smiled at the end.

Daphne returned my smile. “I’m glad you didn’t stop chasing after me. At first I pegged you as a womanizer with no depth. I was grateful to you for saving me, but I also thought you clearly wanted something from me in return. I didn’t know what exactly at first, but I didn’t want to give anyone even a small piece of myself.” Her smile turned sad. “I was cold and jaded, and I didn’t believe I deserved love and happiness anymore. Esteban and you proved me wrong and that’s how I fell in love with you. You are the suns of my life now.” She kissed my cheek.

I turned around to capture her lips again, and we shared another passionate kiss.

“So you love me too?” I asked, even though she had already said so. I wanted to hear her confession again and again though, for the rest of my life. I wanted to engrave the words in my memory so I would forever remember them.

“Yes, I do. I love you, Gabriel,” Daphne gave me such a happy smile, and my heart leapt in my chest. “I want to be happy and I think I will be happy at your side.”

“What about all the women I’ve slept with before? Are you not disgusted by the way I was?” My insecurity rose. I needed to confirm that she wanted me despite my flaws.

Daphne shook her head gently. “That’s all in the past. I can’t judge my mate for being with others before he met me. Just promise me one thing; once we’re mated, don’t go after other women. It would break my heart.”

I grabbed Daphne by her hands and pulled her to me gently until she sat in my lap. “I would never cheat on you and you’re truly something else. How can you forgive my flaws so easily?”

“Because I’m not without flaws myself. I don’t trust easily. I’ve been hurt one too many times, so I may be slow to respond to your affection. Still, I want to try to build a life with you and Esteban. I’m very much a fighter. I want to fight for my own happiness and you’re my happiness.” Daphne hugged me.

I nuzzled the top of her head. “As you are mine. You’re really a treasure, Daphne. I’m so glad I found you.”

“You think you found me? I believe I was the one who found you,” Daphne chuckled.

“Does it matter? The important thing is that we’re together now.”

“So we are. For better or worse.”

Chapter Twenty-One


The main square of Santuario was busy at this early hour of the morning as the hunters gathered for another day of increasing our meat supply. I would be joining them today. I itched for another shift, to get my claws and teeth deep into unsuspecting prey. We always hunted in our bear forms. The men gathered here shared with me the same wish to roam around freely as animals.

Gabriel was different in that regard. How he could stay in his human form, with no wish to let the bear out, had always been surprising to me. He shifted too, from time to time but he seemed to have a better control of the base urge to do so. Maybe he satiated the need in other ways – by having a lot of sex? But there were times when he didn’t fuck women, weeks where he would go without and he had never wanted to change into his bear form during those times either.

I supposed the Goddess of Nature must have made Gabriel and I differently. Where I was bloodthirsty and prone to go berserk easily, Gabriel was calm and calculating. Where he chased after women relentlessly, I was much less interested in skirt-chasing.

Now Daphne was part of the equation. She was a gorgeous, smart woman who kept her feelings close to herself but I didn’t mind her reserved nature at all. When she did open up to us, she was like a ray of sunshine. I was sure that the more time we spent together, the safer she would feel around us.

Or would she? What would Daphne think when she saw me lose my temper because of the thirst for battle and conflict that was such a huge part of my personality. So far I had never shown that side to her. I had remained calm, and maybe that restraint influenced the image she had of me. She might see me as a serene lake, while really I was a raging storm.

I could never show that other side to her. I feared I would lose her then but that way of thinking felt wrong. I didn’t want to deceive my mate. I wanted to always be truthful to her. How else could I gain her trust?

“Esteban,” a soft voice called out to me. My mate’s voice. I turned around to see a smiling Daphne standing close behind me. She wore a simple white t-shirt and shorts, but she looked like the Goddess personified to me. My beautiful mate.

I smiled. “Hello,” I greeted her.

“Are you guys going hunting?” She looked past me at the others who now ceased their conversation, as curious as I was as to why she had come here.

“Yes, we are.” I saw no point in hiding the truth.

Daphne bit her lip and stepped from foot to foot. She clearly wanted to ask me something. I waited patiently until she gathered her courage.

“I was itching for another shift, so I’ve been wondering if I could go hunting with you,” she finally said.