Page 5 of Shifter Island

We had no ex-convicts among us, and Esteban and I preferred to keep the situation that way. There was always the possibility that a person who was a prisoner might resent a person who had kept them behind bars, so we had decided to prevent the possibility of such a negative situation entering our sleuth by closing our gates to the convicts. Other people had come to seek refuge, of course, ever since the island had become a no-man’s-land, just as the woman we called our mate had done. We welcomed such people after making sure they weren’t criminals or evil people at heart.

That thought brought my mind back to the woman though. Who was she? Could it be possible that she was a bad person? I couldn’t picture her being a murderer or arsonist. However, she had a deep scar on her face, which meant she was someone who had seen some combat in her life. The disfigurement didn’t bother me at all; if anything, the scar added character to her already gorgeous face.

Esteban and I entered our home, grabbing a change of clothes. When we were dressed we went to the square. Some people had already started to gather.

I leaned against the well with Esteban standing right next to me, and we waited for everyone who was currently in the village to arrive. Our hunters were outside, busy with bringing game back home but the others, including children, came one after another, until the square was full of colorfully-dressed people.

When I thought that everyone we were expecting was finally here, I started explaining the situation in a loud, booming voice. “Two hours ago Esteban and I left to check who arrived on the recent ship. It was a woman, and we wanted her to join our sleuth. However, Victor wanted her too, and we fought.”

The people murmured amongst each other. There wasn’t a person on Isla Paraiso who didn’t know who Victor was and what could happen to the woman if we left her with him.

“Victor and his goons beat us up but didn’t kill us. Our wounds are almost healed, and so now we should organize an attack on Fort Torres to get the woman back.” I gazed into the eyes of the people in the first row. “Everyone, prepare for a fight!”

Chapter Three


I stood by Gabriel’s side as he addressed our people. We had gotten dressed before coming to the square. Being naked wasn’t something that bothered me, but since everyone else was wearing clothing I would have felt weird standing in front of them undressed. I had put on loose jeans and a tight-fitting black tee, almost completely revealing the colorful tattoo on my right arm going up to half of my chest. Bears and wolves amongst leaves decorated my skin.

Gabriel wore tight-fitting jeans and a white dress shirt, leaving it half-open to show off his chest. He had rolled his sleeves up, since they usually bothered him otherwise, and stood with his hands on his hips. His voice was full of conviction as he asked the people of Santuario to come with us to rescue the woman.

I relaxed, seeing many members of our clan nod in agreement – they understood that our mate had to be freed from Victor’s clutches. Mate. That concept was a foreign one to me. I had already gotten through 46 years of life not finding anyone whom I wanted to call mine.

Then I saw this woman, whose name I didn’t even know – tall and slim but curvy in the right places, with a gorgeous face and long dark brown hair falling like a waterfall down her back – and I felt as if lightning had struck me. All my life there had been a gaping hole in my heart, a vital piece missing. Then suddenly I knew, she was what I had longed for so much. I knew that if I made her mine, I would no longer feel incomplete.

Had I always been lonely? Even with my younger cousin Gabriel always by my side, I had been lacking something… or rather someone. That woman. I couldn’t let her go now that I knew how much she meant to me.

Her gaze had clearly expressed all of her fear when she had looked at Gabriel and I for help. Had she not felt the same pull we had? Or had she simply been too terrified of Victor and his goons to be able to notice the attraction between us?

Hopefully the moment we met again she would realize she was meant for us, as we were for her.

Gabriel had felt the pull too; the overwhelming feeling that we had to mate with her. I was happy that we would be together as three people – a ménage à trois.

For as long as I could remember, Gabriel had been by my side. Now with a third person to bond us we would become even closer. I would never have to be apart from my best friend. The thought made warmth spread in my chest. I loved Gabriel as a brother, and I was sure I would grow to love our mate too. I knew little about her, but I already adored her.

However, first we had to rescue her. Anxiety about her well-being was tearing me apart. My thoughts raced with worry, making me restless and close to panicking. Images of what Victor might do to her flashed through my mind.

No. I took a deep breath then let it out. I was terribly on edge, but I wouldn’t lose my cool in front of the whole sleuth.

There was no point in imagining the worst. I just had to get the woman back before anything happened to her.

“Alphas, I don’t get it.” A voice rose above the murmuring crowd.

I gestured at the person speaking; Adans, one of the guards who had been assigned to the gate today. Everyone went quiet and parted as the man made his way to the front row.

“What is it, friend?” Gabriel gave him a kind smile.

I couldn’t help but notice that Gabriel too was restless. I noticed it in the way he fidgeted with his fingers and stepped from foot to foot. Gabriel was like an open book; unlike me, who had a perfect poker face and never betrayed my thoughts. Well, at least not until someone pissed me off – then I’d let all hell break loose.

Adans continued speaking, looking between Gabriel and me. “You two want us to risk our lives for a woman you met one hour ago? You’re saying that we should attack Fort Torres? The seat of Victor’s power, an impregnable fortress with the main prison right next to it? Why? What’s so special about that woman that we should risk our lives for her?”

The crowd murmured again, some people disapproving of Adans’ words but there were some in favor of his point.

He refused to go save our mate?! Even though the Goddess of Nature knew what Victor would do to her? The bear inside my soul stepped on its hind legs and growled. My blood boiled at the suggestion that someone didn’t want to cooperate with us.

I saw red and stepped forward, grabbing Adans by the front of his shirt and raising him above ground. With my other arm, I punched him in the face. Once. Then I raised my hand again.

My arm was grabbed before I could land another punch on the guard.