Page 24 of Shifter Island

“What is it, Yoselin?” I furrowed my brows. Whatever it was, she seemed serious.

“My Franco, my son! He’s got a fever. I need to be home to take care of him, but who’s going to cook dinner for everyone?” Yoselin had tears in her eyes. “Please, Alpha, could you fill in for me in the kitchen?”

I didn’t hesitate for a moment. “Alright. Don’t worry about it. I will take care of everything.”

“Thank you!” Yoselin exclaimed, but her look of worry remained.

“Have you collected medicine from the warehouse already? Do you have everything you need?” I gestured to the building where we housed all our supplies.

“Yes, I have the medicine that’s needed to bring down his fever.”

“Do you need my help with anything?” Daphne mirrored Yoselin’s concern.

“No, just help Esteban with the dining hall. We can’t have people going hungry around here. I’ll be going now!” With those words, Yoselin ran off.

Daphne gave me a long look. “You know how to cook?”

I smiled, bright and wide this time. “You will see.”

My mate gasped and blushed again. My expression had clearly affected her. She hadn’t thought I could smile so brightly, had she? I rarely showed my happiness so openly but I was glad she had gotten to see such a rare moment of mine.

I marched towards the dining hall. Daphne followed behind me.

It was time to take care of my sleuth yet again. But I was happy to be able to help in any way I could. I loved my people, and I wanted to give myself to them in whatever way they needed.

Chapter Twelve


“Do you want to help me out with cooking?” Esteban asked me after I entered the dining hall’s kitchen with him.

I nodded. I wasn’t a master chef at all, but I knew how to cook well enough and I had been helping out Yoselin the past few days. Two people made the process quicker and more fun. “If you’ll let me.”

“Sure.” Esteban smiled. He looked a lot happier now. Was cooking really something he loved to do?

I quickly found out how skilled he was at preparing meals. He had me cut the vegetables while he took care of roasting the game brought by the sleuth’s hunters. After an hour, the delicious smell of well-cooked meat filled the air. I tried a bit of the dish and moaned in pleasure.

“That good?” Esteban chuckled. He had a glint to his eye, an appreciative kind of look. It seemed he liked the fact that I loved his cooking.

The food was indeed some of the best I had ever tasted. “It’s great. I didn’t know this was something you could do.”

“I have some hidden talents then.”

I smiled at his words. He was talented indeed. Esteban and I shared a look. I really enjoyed the comfortable comradery I had with him. Gabriel kept me on my toes, but Esteban was like a peaceful sanctuary. Relaxing in his presence was so easy.

“Hey! Is the food ready?” Someone called out from the dining hall.

The words snapped me out of staring into Esteban’s eyes. I blushed, realizing what I had been thinking. The attraction between him and I had grown but… did I really mind the change?

Still, I had work to do, so I put portions of the food we made on plates and carried them out to the people waiting in the dining hall.

Two hours passed by with me serving everyone who came to eat. At the end of the shift I was tired, my arms hurting. I went to the kitchen and plopped down in a chair, sighing heavily.

“Tired?” A glass of lemonade appeared in front of me. I raised my head to see Esteban offering me a drink.

I took the glass out of his hands and drank greedily. “Exhausted, but the whole village seems to have eaten. We can call it a day.”

Esteban refilled my glass. He took the chair that stood next to mine and sat down opposite me.