Page 21 of Shifter Island

I led her to the middle of the square where others were dancing.

“Hender, put on something slow!” I called out to one of Yoselin’s mates who was acting as the DJ tonight.

“You got it, boss!” He screamed in reply.

A moment later a slow song started playing. I put a hand on Daphne’s back and another on her hip, then pulled her closer to me. She didn’t resist, but she didn’t put her head on my chest either. We swayed gently to the music.

Our gazes connected. Her stormy eyes looked puzzled. “I really don’t hate you, Gabriel.” Her words were soft, and I liked the way my name sounded on her lips. “I’m sorry about being so rude to you the other day. I…” She trailed off, not finishing her thought.

“No, I was the one who asked you an insensitive question. I shouldn’t have inquired about why you came to Isla Paraiso. No one comes here without good reason,” I sighed, admitting my mistake.

Daphne shook her head. “Still, I could have let you know that I didn’t want to talk about it in a gentler way. I’m sorry.”

I lowered my head slightly so I could look directly into her eyes. She opened hers wider but didn’t pull back. “I want to know everything about you. That’s why I asked but there’s an order to everything. I shouldn’t have started with the hardest question.”

Daphne’s gaze softened. A small smile graced her lips. “You’re forgiven.”

I smiled back. “Am I now? So I don’t have to grovel anymore?”

Daphne chuckled. “You don’t. You’re terrible at groveling.”

“You wound me,” I winced in a mocking way.

That reply made Daphne laugh even harder. “You’ll live but there is something you could give me that would make me forget about the whole situation.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Oh? What is it?”

Daphne blushed a deep red, but she didn’t look away. What was she thinking that was so embarrassing?

“A kiss,” she whispered.

I didn’t know if I had heard her right but I must have. Her words and the color of her cheeks made sense together. She wanted me to kiss her, and she was shy about the request.

What had made her change her disposition towards me? Had Yoselin said something to her?

“That was a stupid idea,” Daphne started pulling away from me, but I wouldn’t have it. I couldn’t let such a chance pass me by. I put the hand I had on her hip into her hair and pulled her head closer gently.

Slowly but decisively I put my lips on hers. I kissed her once, then again. My pulse quickened and my cock hardened. She was so sweet. I focused on her lower lip, asking for entrance. All the time I expected her to run away from me again, to pull back, but she didn’t. Instead, she opened her mouth, and when our tongues intertwined I felt the surge of electricity again.

Daphne moaned. I hoped she too now felt the crazy pull of attraction that brought me back to her again and again. I couldn’t let her go. She was my mate, and the sooner she recognized we were meant for each other, the sooner we could become happy partners, sharing the joy of being together.

When Daphne and I broke apart we were both grasping for breath. She had a lost look in her eyes, as if she didn’t know if she had done the right thing or not.

Daphne took one step away from me, then another. I extended my hand to her, wanting to stop her, but the gesture made her turn away quickly. She bolted back to her house.

I stood there alone and let out a long sigh.

“What happened to waiting as long as we needed?” Esteban’s voice was full of laughter.

I turned to face him. He had a mocking smile on his face, but his eyes were full of worry.

“She was the one who asked me to kiss her,” I replied. “I couldn’t resist the offer.”

“She did?” Esteban looked surprised.

“I wonder what happened for her to change her mind. Is the mating pull finally working on her? Or is she slowly becoming more comfortable?” I pondered out loud.

“I don’t know. I can approach her too in the next few days. Maybe I will be able to find out.”